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I recently purchased a silver proof £2 coin in a sale for £40 with 33%off. The queen's head has marks round it. I have managed to remove some of this with a soft cloth and isopropyl alcohol, should I leave it or carry on?



Perhaps it would have been better to ask before attempting to clean the coin. There's no easy answer - you have more than likely reduced the resale value of the coin.. 

Silver coins will tarnish and collectors understand and accept that. What they will not accept is a proof coin which shows any evidence of cleaning or damage. The answer as to continuing to clean the coin depends on how many hairline scratches you have introduced. If none are visible - using a loupe and a strong light whilst carefully turning the coin - then do not attempt any more cleaning. If scratches are visible then you may just as well carry on cleaning and accept the fact that your coin is now worth anywhere between intrinsic value and a 'bullion' coin value.

A Harsh lesson that most collectors learn at some point.



It was a glasses cleaning so hopefully it's not too bad and its not for reselling. Silver is more visual appealing to me more that gold.
















Thyou ank \

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you for your input, i wont be doing that again 🤔



















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