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Posted (edited)

Found this beauty on fleabay, apparently a set of 13 'Elizabethan' Apostle spoons for $4500.
To be fair I don't think he's dodgy, just ill informed.


He starts by describing some other totally unrelated and very expensive spoons belonging to Henry VIII (which would be well over £150k).
Reckons these spoons were made in the late 1800's when they have clear hallmarks for 1946.
He's had some ludicrous appraisals and invites you to get your own. So I did.

       Hi, I've just got an appraisal from a silver expert in England, which may be useful to you;

       These spoons are a set of ornamental 'coffee' spoons vaguely styled after early English Apostle spoons, although this set bears no resemblence to any genuine Apostle spoons (wrong shape, wrong size and wrong contruct).
       These are very common in UK antique shops where they sell for around £200 - £250
       Hallmarked for London 1946.

Hope I don't offend him!
Anyway, we'll see if he changes his listing.


Edited by Mobius

Thank you for sharing, @Mobius!

He will not change the description. It is easier for him to wait for easy money.

I am contacting almost daily sellers from Ebay to tell them the truth about their "silver" stuffs they are selling.

So far, only very few (2-3%) changed their sale/auction posts, after very pleasant email conversations. Another 97-98% of them just ignored me. 

Of course, I have reported them, but with not any results from Ebay.

But I will continue to do the same.😊



32 minutes ago, stefffana said:

It is easier for him to wait for easy money.

He'll be waiting a feckin' long time at that price!

4 minutes ago, Mobius said:

He'll be waiting a feckin' long time at that price!

True. It is exactly the same principle as on fishing... Take time, but with perseverance will come the big fish who will bite.

There are plenty of innocent people who believe what is saying an unscrupulous seller.

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