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Doesn't the 20% vat mean they are selling at £23.83?  That doesn't seem a huge markup, bearing in mind the silver price may drop while they have it in stock.

1 hour ago, Arcadian said:

Doesn't the 20% vat mean they are selling at £23.83?  That doesn't seem a huge markup, bearing in mind the silver price may drop while they have it in stock.

No, that’s what they’d sell at if they weren’t to make any profit - They’re actually selling them for £28.63 t the moment.


Arcadian is correct. The price before VAT, what Tavex actually receive. is as Arcadian says £23.83 give or take a penny or two. On this £23.83 they obviously make a profit, hence the we buy of £19.19

The differential on the larger coin is slightly different but not that much using the same logic.


Hence tsf should be your first stop when purchasing bullion 👍

LFTV.  live from the vault.   Spot price is immaterial. its just an illusion.

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