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2018 Sovereign mintage as listed in the Marsh guide 2021


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Hi all,

So I was looking through the latest, revised (2021) version Marsh book.

The Gold Sovereign to those who don’t know and I noticed the mintage for the 2018 ‘Normal’ bullion sovereign is listed as No: 351 on page 158, with a mintage of 323.

Am I missing something or is that an obvious typo? It seems a strangely low mintage for a bullion sovereign.

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Looks like they are 'strike on the day' coins, listed on p163 to commemorate 65th anniversary of the Coronation?

Seems like the Indian mint were producing bullion to meet demand and RM sorting proofs and commemoratives?

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21 hours ago, Simonz said:

Looks like they are 'strike on the day' coins, listed on p163 to commemorate 65th anniversary of the Coronation?

Seems like the Indian mint were producing bullion to meet demand and RM sorting proofs and commemoratives?

No, I don’t mean the SOTD sovereigns, I mean the 2018 ‘Normal’ mintage, bullion sovereigns on page 158, listed as No: 351.

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21 hours ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

There are inaccuracies between the RM sales figures and the Marsh for many of these SOTD coins. 

I thought Marsh was supposed to be a credible source of info.

If there are known discrepancies between the Marsh and RM figures, does the book have a disclaimer that certain figures are unconfirmed, or may be off, or something to the effect that they’re not 100% accurate?

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2 hours ago, westminstrel said:

I thought Marsh was supposed to be a credible source of info.

If there are known discrepancies between the Marsh and RM figures, does the book have a disclaimer that certain figures are unconfirmed, or may be off, or something to the effect that they’re not 100% accurate?

There are a good few errors, I don't see a disclaimer............The issues has been the classification of the SOTD and the BU sovereigns as they are effectively the same type of coin.  The RM had to make them as BU as it would limit what they could offer/ make throughout the year if they were proof coins.......In fact the 2018's and some earlier ones are proof coins in everything but name I have a 2018 Georges 5th Birthday SOTD and its a proof coin, its better quality than a modern proof coin as it was one of the last sovereigns where they used engraved dies instead of the flat digital images that are just mass produced with laser cut dies.

I think the issues are the RM sale figures are 3 year out of date and in some case for the SOTD they have gone off the total mintage 500 for example then the real sales figures are less ie 485 they up date the books going forward but errors still exist.  


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