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Can anyone ID these coins for me?


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Got this from a Brave image search, trying to find an article or post linked to it. From a site called catawiki.be 🤷🏼‍♂️

*Appears to be referencing a possibly expired auction. Ah well.


Edited by Arganto
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Found a fair few if very similar coins but mostly with the standard eagle or eagle on a branch. Some have combed hair some wavey like yours. Didn't find any with the same images as yours. Key words seem to be medal, commemorative, assassination. Also found a fair few with links back to the Paris mint like this one


The one on the left holds the presidential seal as on the half dollar. Couldn't find anything on the crossed axes. 

Similar coin https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/374069097669?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=374069097669&targetid=1405282543879&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1007092&poi=&campaignid=17218284410&mkgroupid=142217514411&rlsatarget=pla-1405282543879&abcId=9300867&merchantid=9324144&gclid=Cj0KCQiA1ZGcBhCoARIsAGQ0kkpBHX104L0CvmCt7G7LK-6AwVmOnoNl3M9jFPGlTJ1_YR10uAk3BogaAqsPEALw_wcB

Coin 1 and 3 look to have some stamp perhaps?

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Thanks for all your efforts. None the wiser. Seems to be easier to find them in gold! 

Here is the mark or stamp you mentioned closer up... looks like it says 1000 but what that means i have no idea?


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1 minute ago, RRH87 said:

I don't know but from what I've seen probably a commemorative medal probably a private mint and possibly silver plated. Maybe someone else with some experience can add some more.

this is what i was thinking. I don't think it's a coin.

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It is a medal rather than a coin, but that just means it carries no denomination and isn't classed as currency. These commemorate the deaths of the Kennedys. The use of an older and probably less well known reverse design is interesting for sure and maybe points to a well known mint as opposed to a fly by night. They could well be silver but potentially copper or bronze. They made a gold version (I think it was .750 from what I read on that page) so anything is possible. 

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