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It's possible they purchased under RRP with another dealer, but factoring in fee's, they'd be selling at a loss. The 'we' wording suggests they might be a business, but factoring in they don't have a business account, and just 8 sales of mostly Pokémon cards to their name, I'd steer clear and just buy with a proper dealer for the extra £3. 

Also, I don't think eBay guarantees will cover you as far out as 20 Jan 23. 







22 minutes ago, katmonkey said:

It's in ebay, ergo it is a scam*

* Just my slightly cynical personal view.



1 minute ago, LawrenceChard said:

It's in ebay, ergo it is a scam*

* Just my slightly cynical personal view.


If it's too good to be true

24 minutes ago, katmonkey said:


14 minutes ago, harrygill111 said:

It's possible they purchased under RRP with another dealer, but factoring in fee's, they'd be selling at a loss. The 'we' wording suggests they might be a business, but factoring in they don't have a business account, and just 8 sales of mostly Pokémon cards to their name, I'd steer clear and just buy with a proper dealer for the extra £3. 

Also, I don't think eBay guarantees will cover you as far out as 20 Jan 23. 


Some dealers sell them at less than RM price of £695 (I think RRP is dead).

"Proper dealer" being...


at £685!




The logistics of the ad make no sense at all. 

- Lots in stock

- But……….Delivery January

Not my circus, not my monkeys


I agree.  Even if he’s a business it’s still selling at cost.  Maybe he has a brother that works at RM and gets him the family discount.

On 22/11/2022 at 12:50, LawrenceChard said:

It's in ebay, ergo it is a scam*

* Just my slightly cynical personal view.


Totally agree.

If a sucker pays up then they either don't get the thing or they get a fake. 

Meanwhile the seller has pocketed your cash and done a bunk.

Please buy from trusted sources.


I asked the seller a couple of “direct” questions and he / she stopped answering.

Essentially they said that had a large quantity in hand….but couldn’t ship before some time in Jan, which of course makes no sense whatsoever.

About what I suspected.

Not my circus, not my monkeys

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