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Has anybody bought from them? What kind of taxes could I expect on top?

They have some nice rounds that I really like, but around here they go for a fortune on eBay, so I thought I'd place a sizeable order with them with the stuff I like and get some extras to sell to recover shipping. I've totalled about $400 plus $50 for shipping, what kind of taxes am I looking to around here? As I assume it will be stopped by customs, is it just VAT? More?

It will be a mix of silver and copper, are they treated the same for the sake of customs?

My strategy, with a few extra thoughts.

Gold is stability, Silver is fun.

14 hours ago, LemmyMcGregor said:

Has anybody bought from them? What kind of taxes could I expect on top?

They have some nice rounds that I really like, but around here they go for a fortune on eBay, so I thought I'd place a sizeable order with them with the stuff I like and get some extras to sell to recover shipping. I've totalled about $400 plus $50 for shipping, what kind of taxes am I looking to around here? As I assume it will be stopped by customs, is it just VAT? More?

It will be a mix of silver and copper, are they treated the same for the sake of customs?

12 hours ago, Gordy said:

I've bought from them, its just VAT charges

There will usually be a "Customs Clearance / Handling Fee, by Royal Mail or whoever the courier is.



Just now, LawrenceChard said:

There will usually be a "Customs Clearance / Handling Fee, by Royal Mail or whoever the courier is.


Fedex delivered mine, the shipping charge covered it all, they also charged me the VAT instead of customs 

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

9 minutes ago, Gordy said:

Fedex delivered mine, the shipping charge covered it all, they also charged me the VAT instead of customs 

Sure, but "Customs Clearance / Handling Fee" would be for collecting the VAT from you on behalf of HMRC, not "Customs Duty". Some people conflate the two things.



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