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Just noticed this change on Chards website. I'll leave it to others to work out whether the exchange rate quoted by Chards is favourable or unfavourable to the purchaser.

29 minutes ago, RDHC said:

Just noticed this change on Chards website. I'll leave it to others to work out whether the exchange rate quoted by Chards is favourable or unfavourable to the purchaser.

just select pounds



Thank you. I thought it might be a sensible move by Chards to protect themselves now that the pound is sliding.


Few will be paying in dollars..  I doubt they want dollar cash?  Surely it’s for indicative and overseas purchases?  

3 hours ago, RDHC said:

Just noticed this change on Chards website. I'll leave it to others to work out whether the exchange rate quoted by Chards is favourable or unfavourable to the purchaser.


2 hours ago, daca said:

just select pounds



45 minutes ago, CANV said:

Few will be paying in dollars..  I doubt they want dollar cash?  Surely it’s for indicative and overseas purchases?  

We do get people asking for dollar pricing and euros, although most of our customers want prices in pounds sterling. Our site and product pages 

do normally default to sterling pricing, so I don't know if you had accidentally clicked USD.

Some sites detect where you are based, and give you prices in whichever currency it guesses you prefer, although most non-American sites give you a choice.

As standard, I use a VPN, and then I am always surprised when I get shown prices in some random currency. Also some sites refuse to load, tell me they don't ship there, or don't allow use or viewers from my domain. If I want to continue, I then have to switch the VPN off, and refresh the page or site.

We also have euro pricing, for example:


I hope this helps.


1 hour ago, LawrenceChard said:



We do get people asking for dollar pricing and euros, although most of our customers want prices in pounds sterling. Our site and product pages 

do normally default to sterling pricing, so I don't know if you had accidentally clicked USD.

Some sites detect where you are based, and give you prices in whichever currency it guesses you prefer, although most non-American sites give you a choice.

As standard, I use a VPN, and then I am always surprised when I get shown prices in some random currency. Also some sites refuse to load, tell me they don't ship there, or don't allow use or viewers from my domain. If I want to continue, I then have to switch the VPN off, and refresh the page or site.

We also have euro pricing, for example:


I hope this helps.

Yes, Lawrence, thank you, it does help. I think I must have inadvertently switched to dollars. As I said, I thought - incorrectly - that the dollars change was a sensible precaution by you in the midst of the current currency instability, for which I certainly would not blame Chards.

9 minutes ago, RDHC said:

Yes, Lawrence, thank you, it does help. I think I must have inadvertently switched to dollars. As I said, I thought - incorrectly - that the dollars change was a sensible precaution by you in the midst of the current currency instability, for which I certainly would not blame Chards.

Most UK customers would want to buy or sell in pounds, so it would be crazy for us to dictate a foreign currency only.

We do get some UK residents who have dollar accounts, adn some American or international customers. Similarly with euros.

In theory, any of the exchange rates should be identical, or near so, although it does cost us more to run the foreign currency accounts, and to send or receive foreign funds, although these charges are much less than most bank customers would have faced 20 years ago.




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