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1869 Victoria Shield Gold Sovereign - Bigger Better Macro Photos

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Now that is spooky!

Just had one of these drop through my letterbox - exactly the same down to the die number! 😲 - you sure it’s a Macro lens @LawrenceChard and not a huuuuuge Telephoto?

Off to close the curtains just in case 😏😅

Edited by Scootermuppet
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15 minutes ago, dicker said:

Very nice indeed. Great to be able to do a zoom in with this level of clarity.

With photography like that you know exactly what you are buying.


You would be surprised how good a modern phone can take pictures, I had a D500 setup with a macro lens but found myself using the phone more.


the phone did not move to show the optics on the iPhone 13pro. Could squeeze a bit more zoom post production if required. The only pain in the rear like all photography lighting is everything. 




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4 hours ago, Scootermuppet said:

Now that is spooky!

Just had one of these drop through my letterbox - exactly the same down to the die number! 😲 - you sure it’s a Macro lens @LawrenceChard and not a huuuuuge Telephoto?

Off to close the curtains just in case 😏😅





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2 hours ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

@DrDave could do with some lighting tips for my iphone macro is great but I have to get so close I'm constantly in shadow, I'm thinking a slim led panel on the back of the phone with a shade of some sort. 

Now you are starting to learn about "working distance"!



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8 hours ago, LawrenceChard said:

Now you are starting to learn about "working distance"!


Was not a problem with my D500 and a 105mm macro, I'll come up with a work around, I amazed no one has made a product for the iPhone for this yet, I'm going to borrow @DrDave tip with a frosted lampshade  with external lighting to avoid shadow, just need something to make a tiny shade.   

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2 hours ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

Was not a problem with my D500 and a 105mm macro, I'll come up with a work around, I amazed no one has made a product for the iPhone for this yet, I'm going to borrow @DrDave tip with a frosted lampshade  with external lighting to avoid shadow, just need something to make a tiny shade.   

I understand the problem, partly because I was having to invent and adapt in exactly the same way over 20 years ago, and that was with DSLRs. 

Even macro ringflashes llike the two Canon ones are not perfect.

Because coins are highly reflective, you also need to control or modify the lighting and reflections. Our first full time photographer, let's call him "Y", wanted us to buy water in aerosol sprays for about £10 a time. I showed him that heavy breathing produced a similar, probably superior, effect for no cost.

As you use an iphone, cost will be of no importance to you of course!

There are probably ready made systems for microscopes, but they may cost even more than your phone.

@SemolinaPilchard will probably be interested to see what you come up with, although I doubt it will persuade him to switch from axial lighting.


When I wrote the above, I could not recall the word I needed. It came to me about an hour later - "improvise"!

Edited by LawrenceChard


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These are a few picture I took with a Nikon D500 and 105mm sigma lens, some struggle with taking pictures of "slabbed" coins, pictures of my 1902 matte proof encapsulated and a few other test shots, I like the try and keep the pictures looking like real coins.  Some photography looks to me anyway over cooked.





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1 hour ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

These are a few picture I took with a Nikon D500 and 105mm sigma lens, some struggle with taking pictures of "slabbed" coins, pictures of my 1902 matte proof encapsulated and a few other test shots, I like the try and keep the pictures looking like real coins.  Some photography looks to me anyway over cooked.





They look good.

How close are the colours compared with the actual coins?



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12 minutes ago, LawrenceChard said:

They look good.

How close are the colours compared with the actual coins?


That’s another difficult one at the coin can look a multitude of different shades depending on the light it’s photographed in and the light you see the coin in hand. 

There could be a market for a numismatic standard or authority for coin photography standardisation, NCP not the car park😂 numismatic coin photography, where dealers sign up to and agree a standard, lighting, range, shutter speed, angle etc etc, shooting coins and standardised equipment, even supplying photography rigs. 

I’m still plugging it away to get the best photos I can, I’m getting some good results shooting the coin in 4K HDR video at 60fps then editing a still from the video, I think the iPhone is using is using more of its sensors, it’s never going to get close to a DSLR set up. 

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40 minutes ago, GoldDiggerDave said:

That’s another difficult one at the coin can look a multitude of different shades depending on the light it’s photographed in and the light you see the coin in hand. 

There could be a market for a numismatic standard or authority for coin photography standardisation, NCP not the car park😂 numismatic coin photography, where dealers sign up to and agree a standard, lighting, range, shutter speed, angle etc etc, shooting coins and standardised equipment, even supplying photography rigs. 

I’m still plugging it away to get the best photos I can, I’m getting some good results shooting the coin in 4K HDR video at 60fps then editing a still from the video, I think the iPhone is using is using more of its sensors, it’s never going to get close to a DSLR set up. 

Colours are always an issue

with dslr (and iPhone to an extent) the colours can be corrected if you take a reference using a colour passport. But if the viewer is using a device that isn’t colour corrected then the colours will look off

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