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900,000 American Silver Eagles sold to a Texas Billionaire in $50,000,000 order.

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This story has been posted already. It looks like you were late to the party. See below. You will see that some members were rather sceptical of the story. 

I have listened to the interview of the man who brokered the deal for Miles Franklin, Bill Holter. In the interview he said the bank had put a lot of effort in trying to get the billionaire to change her mind. The local branch told her they can't wire the money because of the large sum (USD 50million) and can only be done at the Head Office.  So she travelled to the Head Office 100 miles away.

In the Head Office, she was greeted by senior executives. One by one paraded into the meeting room and try to persuade her not to go ahead with the purchase. The bank would not wire the money to Miles Franklin until she threatened to report them to the regulators.

With the details provided in the interview, some suspected the billionaire could be one of the Waltons, heiress to the Walmart multi-billion fortune - Ann, Nancy or Alice.  The 50 million dollar is just the first order according to Bill Holter. So we'll see how it will affect the price of silver in the months ahead.

I already see the price of silver eagles in my local bullion dealer is at least 30% more than any other standard bullion coins already !



Edited by Happypanda88
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I’m more interested in where Miles Franklin found 900,000 Silver Eagles. Isn’t there supposed to be a shortage of those with Mint issues etc 🤔

$50 Mill is pocket money for a Billionaire and also, would the bank have had same payment issue if this person was buying a property or a mega yacht !

All seems off to me.... 



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34 minutes ago, Uksilverstackers said:

I’m more interested in where Miles Franklin found 900,000 Silver Eagles. Isn’t there supposed to be a shortage of those with Mint issues etc 🤔

$50 Mill is pocket money for a Billionaire and also, would the bank have had same payment issue if this person was buying a property or a mega yacht !

All seems off to me.... 



If I were to setup a GoFundMe account I want to become a billionaire, would you donate?

Once I reach that amount, I will be able to tell you about my experience 🤣

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On 01/08/2022 at 20:54, SilverPlatinum said:

For a Texan, this buyer must be a newbie.


$50,000,000 / 900,000 = $55.56 each. With silver at about $20.30 that works out at 174% premium.


$50 million is peanuts compared with previous Texans like Nelson Bunker Hunt and his family, who tended to deal in billions.

I don't believe the story, which sounds like a clickbait soundbite. Perhaps there is more to it, because as it stands, it is pure nonsense. It don't intend to invest / waste any time reading it.


Edited by LawrenceChard


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38 minutes ago, LawrenceChard said:

For a Texan, this buyer must be a newbie.


$50,000,000 / 900,000 = $55.56 each. With silver at about $20.30 that works out at 174% premium.


$50 million is peanuts compared with previous Texans like Nelson Bunker Hunt and his family, who neded to deal in billions.

I don't believe the story, which sounds like a clickbait soundbite. Perhaps there is more to it, because as it stands, it is pure nonsense. It don't intend to invest / waste any time reading it.


Not saying the story is true, but only half the money was in silver and the other 25 million in pre 33 gold.

25,000,000 ÷ 900,000 = $27.77 per eagle. 

Edited by James32

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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49 minutes ago, James32 said:

Not saying the story is true, but only half the money was in silver and the other 25 million in pre 33 gold.

25,000,000 ÷ 900,000 = $27.77 per eagle. 


Now I remember commenting on the original posting of the same story.

I am proud of the fact that I forgot about it so quickly.

The whole article is a pile of garbage, IMO.



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15 minutes ago, LawrenceChard said:


Now I remember commenting on the original posting of the same story.

I am proud of the fact that I forgot about it so quickly.

The whole article is a pile of garbage, IMO.


Somebody jealous, maybe.

Dont worry, maybe soon some U.K billioner will call you.

Wanting everything you got 🥇🥳

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1 minute ago, MrTT said:

Somebody jealous, maybe.

Dont worry, maybe soon some U.K billioner will call you.

Wanting everything you got 🥇🥳

I'm not jealous.

We did use to get a lot of e-mails from people wanting to buy 10 MT of gold per day, using "Swiss Procedure". We probably still do but e-mail spam filters are much more effective these days.



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Serious question to Mr Chard.....

Lets assume, because you are in the UK, someone placed an order for 900,000 Silver Brits, would it be a challenge to obtain or is it simply a special order to RM, or you contact every dealer/contact to try and get the stock etc?

Edited by Uksilverstackers
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