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Help needed for master's thesis (where gold plays a major role)


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36 minutes ago, DrFreeman said:

Dear community,

I am currently writing my master's thesis at the University of Vienna about the effect of psychological characteristics on investment decisions (where gold plays a major role) and I am looking for participants for my online survey. You would do me a huge favor if you could spend 5 min of your valuable time and participate in my study: https://sosci.univie.ac.at/master_thesis/

Of course, the data will be collected anonymously. If you are interested in the final results of the study you can optionally provide your mail address at the end.

Many thanks in advance! 😃

PS.: I hope this is not considered as spam by moderators. If yes, it would be great to work out a solution without getting banned.


33 minutes ago, James32 said:

I see I have been tagged in by @James32, probably because I have opinions on most things, and are happy to share them.

As a dealer, I am probably not the best target participant, but would certainly be interested in the findings, and @DrFreeman's thesis.

Could I ask if there is any commercial affiliation between DrFreeman and any coin or bullion dealers, of which there are a few with offices or representation in that lovely city of Vienna?




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4 minutes ago, LawrenceChard said:

Could I ask if there is any commercial affiliation between DrFreeman and any coin or bullion dealers, of which there are a few with offices or representation in that lovely city of Vienna?

First of all, thank you very much for participating, I really appreciate it! 😃

Regarding your question, neither the survey nor myself are in any connection with any company, dealers or anything else. I do collect the (anonymous) data solely for the purpose of my master's thesis and the data will not be provided to anyone. I hope this answers your questions, otherwise please feel free to reply.

Greetings from Vienna!

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Not too painful a questionnaire, happy to participate. Good luck with your research. 👍

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H.L. Mencken

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1 hour ago, DrFreeman said:

First of all, thank you very much for participating, I really appreciate it! 😃

Regarding your question, neither the survey nor myself are in any connection with any company, dealers or anything else. I do collect the (anonymous) data solely for the purpose of my master's thesis and the data will not be provided to anyone. I hope this answers your questions, otherwise please feel free to reply.

Greetings from Vienna!

It is likely that responses from people on The Silver Forum are going to be biased!  So, I am not sure how representative these responses are going to be!  You need an answer to this for your supervisor / external examiner.

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If you wanted to research your thesis have a look at the links in my sig block. It may answer some questions why we stack PMs!

Best regards bully! 

Central bankers are politicians disguised as economists or bankers. They’re either incompetent or liars. So, either way, you’re never going to get a valid answer.” - Peter Schiff

Sound money is not a guarantee of a free society, but a free society is impossible without sound money. We are currently a society enslaved by debt.
If you are a new member and want to know why we stack PMs look at this link https://www.thesilverforum.com/topic/56131-videos-of-significance/#comment-381454
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2 hours ago, DrFreeman said:

First of all, thank you very much for participating, I really appreciate it! 😃

Regarding your question, neither the survey nor myself are in any connection with any company, dealers or anything else. I do collect the (anonymous) data solely for the purpose of my master's thesis and the data will not be provided to anyone. I hope this answers your questions, otherwise please feel free to reply.

Greetings from Vienna!

Thanks for you answer.

I intended, but forgot, to say "Servus!"

I also forgot to mention that we have a web page

Advice Guide for UK Bullion Investors


Which may, or may not, be of some use or interest to you.

Either way, good wishes and good luck with it.



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1 hour ago, TheShinyStuff said:

Done. Interesting stuff. Wonder if most TSF types would have similar answers?


50 minutes ago, Bigmarc said:

What, loners that don't give a c**p what their mates are up to?

There is never any annoyance or jealousy on Royal Mint "big release" days here ! 🤣😂

Edited by Paul
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1 hour ago, Bigmarc said:

What, loners that don't give a c**p what their mates are up to?

How did you know?

@DrFreeman if there had been a comment section i would have added some additional information as to why i am a loner who doesn't give a c**p.

Disclaimer: Everything I post is for entertainment purposes only - it is not to be taken seriously. There is no intent to incite violence or hate of any kind, nor do I have any intent to incite any other crime or non-crime in any country in the world. It is not my intent to slander, harass or defame anyone dead or alive. 

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11 minutes ago, sixgun said:

How did you know?

@DrFreeman if there had been a comment section i would have added some additional information as to why i am a loner who doesn't give a c**p.

There is probably a link between that and stacking metals. I've just been on holiday with 18 of my mates and there kids, couldn't wait to get home. Surely that's more concerning than wondering what your mates are up to when you are not there.

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@DrFreeman out of curiosity, why do you assume that everyone gambles or places bets? At least, your questionnaire seems to lack response options that would differentiate between people who never gambled and those, who did, but would respond "never" to those questions anyway...

Why not adding N/A option for those who don't gamble?

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10 hours ago, CollectForFun said:

@DrFreeman out of curiosity, why do you assume that everyone gambles or places bets? At least, your questionnaire seems to lack response options that would differentiate between people who never gambled and those, who did, but would respond "never" to those questions anyway...

Why not adding N/A option for those who don't gamble?

@CollectForFun I see your point which is definitely valid. However, I use established scales for several reasons (e.g. the ones I use are researched and used over years and tested in terms of validity & reliability; using well established scales allows for comparability with other studies; etc.). Altering scales may have benefits, but definitely has downsides as well which I aim to avoid. Anyways, thanks for your feedback and your help! 😃

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3 hours ago, DrFreeman said:

@CollectForFun I see your point which is definitely valid. However, I use established scales for several reasons (e.g. the ones I use are researched and used over years and tested in terms of validity & reliability; using well established scales allows for comparability with other studies; etc.). Altering scales may have benefits, but definitely has downsides as well which I aim to avoid. Anyways, thanks for your feedback and your help! 😃

So, if I don't gamble and therefore answer "Never" to all of your questions on page 4 of the questionnaire, would that be fine for you? Or would this skew the results towards one end of the spectrum, to which I however don't belong?

If you're ok with that I don't mind doing so I just don't want to cause more harm than benefits by submitting my responses.

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11 minutes ago, CollectForFun said:

So, if I don't gamble and therefore answer "Never" to all of your questions on page 4 of the questionnaire, would that be fine for you? Or would this skew the results towards one end of the spectrum, to which I however don't belong?

If you're ok with that I don't mind doing so I just don't want to cause more harm than benefits by submitting my responses.

That is totally fine and also the intention of the scale (non-gamblers will select "never"). Just in case you are interested in the topic, just google "PGSI" and you will find more details thereto. I try to avoid mentioning details of the survey here to prevent any possible influences to the ones who have not participated yet.

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