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Ukrainian 1 ozt Silver Archangel Michael and F15 Coins in General


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I only have one example of the coin, from 2018, the most common one.  It looks like they changed obverse in 2020 and 2021.  I look at the coin now and feel very sad.  I remember trying to get them a couple years ago but it seems they don't find their way to the US in big numbers without also having big prices.  Where do they usually sell these things?  I suppose they are REALLY hard to find now.  The coin was recognized for it's beauty and given the F15 status since 2013.  Who puts the F15 privy on these coins?  Who determines the F15 status?  It seems like it is a Canadian thing.  Where would you go to buy the F15 sets?  It looks like a bunch of the coins don't have a F15 privy, so if you bought one of the F15 sets, you'd probably have to pay dearly for the ones without the privy in order to get the privy ones.  Are the privy ones available separately?  Does anybody really care about these bullion coins that have F15 privy mark?  Sorry for all the questions, but I did some googling around and didn't get a clear answer on it.  It looks like MDM in Germany has something to do with them but there is no place to buy them on their site.

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"Fabulous 15" privy? Basically, just a gimmick to be able to advertise the set as "rare and exceptional" and charge outrageous premium through a subscription service. Unless someone collects specific coin with various privy marks, I don't see any reason to try collecting F15 sets (and some of the coins in the set are apparently even without the privy mark, lol). Not mentioning how ironic it is that F15 refers also to Fine 15 grade which is quite an undesirable reference for selling uncirculated coins...

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Yes, I didn't like that all the coins in the set didn't have the privy.  I thought F15 stood for "Fabulous Fifteen."  There was an earlier F12 as well.  I wanted to see how much the set was but I don't see them for sale anywhere.  I suspect they are ridiculously high cost, like you are saying.

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Based on what I found from info on the previous years the price was around €60 per coin. When you check the second hand market (e.g. here offers from European numishops: https://www.ma-shops.com/shops/search.php?searchstr=Fabulous+15&catid=-1&submitBtn=), sets of 15 are now sold for less than €600 and some individual coins for less than €30...

For what it's worth, in my experience any coins offered as "exclusive" under a subscription are automatically a bad deal...

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