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Best place to buy 22 carat gold necklace?


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Need a little advice please, i don't normally ask.  I'm normally the one giving it out !

It has been on my mind for a while now for a few months, I may be in the market top buy a suitably weighty gents gold necklace at some stage next year, but i don't want it UK grade typical 9 carat.

I know the gold from Thailand, UAE and Indian is generally higher carat, am i correct the highest you can get is 22 carat for necklace here in the UK ? 


Where would be the best place to source a good deal on such a necklace?  don't fancy paying shopping centre RRPs 

Anyone recommend a good trustworthy Asian jeweller in the north of England that deal in this sort of stuff ?

Anyone here in the trade ever get this sort of higher grade jewellery through their hands ?  it doesn't need to be new but just a nice chain design

Does pricing for these sort of items worked out on a +% over spot like common gold coins ? given that your buying the weight of gold you're buying rather them as a piece of jewellery?


Any help of guidance to enlighten me would be much be appreciated - many thanks :) 

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1 hour ago, Paul said:

Need a little advice please, i don't normally ask.  I'm normally the one giving it out !

It has been on my mind for a while now for a few months, I may be in the market top buy a suitably weighty gents gold necklace at some stage next year, but i don't want it UK grade typical 9 carat.

I know the gold from Thailand, UAE and Indian is generally higher carat, am i correct the highest you can get is 22 carat for necklace here in the UK ? 


Where would be the best place to source a good deal on such a necklace?  don't fancy paying shopping centre RRPs 

Anyone recommend a good trustworthy Asian jeweller in the north of England that deal in this sort of stuff ?

Anyone here in the trade ever get this sort of higher grade jewellery through their hands ?  it doesn't need to be new but just a nice chain design

Does pricing for these sort of items worked out on a +% over spot like common gold coins ? given that your buying the weight of gold you're buying rather them as a piece of jewellery?


Any help of guidance to enlighten me would be much be appreciated - many thanks :) 

Manchester would be a good place to start due to the strong Asian community, but Birmingham is also worth it if you can travel. Premiums are quite high, but they vary much like you'll find with bullion dealers. Remember your paying for the design, workmanship cost plus VAT. But if you go to the right Jewellers you can build a relationship much like American stackers do at their LCS's.

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1 hour ago, Paul said:

Need a little advice please, i don't normally ask.  I'm normally the one giving it out !

It has been on my mind for a while now for a few months, I may be in the market top buy a suitably weighty gents gold necklace at some stage next year, but i don't want it UK grade typical 9 carat.

I know the gold from Thailand, UAE and Indian is generally higher carat, am i correct the highest you can get is 22 carat for necklace here in the UK ? 


Where would be the best place to source a good deal on such a necklace?  don't fancy paying shopping centre RRPs 

Anyone recommend a good trustworthy Asian jeweller in the north of England that deal in this sort of stuff ?

Anyone here in the trade ever get this sort of higher grade jewellery through their hands ?  it doesn't need to be new but just a nice chain design

Does pricing for these sort of items worked out on a +% over spot like common gold coins ? given that your buying the weight of gold you're buying rather them as a piece of jewellery?


Any help of guidance to enlighten me would be much be appreciated - many thanks :) 

I think @ilovesilverireallydo mentioned the other day he was going to start doing jewellery investment bundles ( only a few % over spot) might be worth reaching out to let him know what type of chain your looking for ( incase one comes his way)

I like to buy the pre-dip dip

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