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I new lesson from Royal Mint!

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After posting back a proof set I noted that after 1 month I heard nothing from the royal mint. 

I have since discovered communication back is not customary and you have to followup as to what happened with your coins. 

I can see from SD post that coins were received, that’s about it. 

What happened to getting back to your customers? 🤔 


Make sure you know you have to followup with the mint rather than the other way around, yes even if you spend £10k+ regularly with them. 

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It is pretty poor in my opinion, and not what I would expect when dealing with high value goods.  I posted a £5.99 product back to a retailer a few weeks ago and got confirmation it had been received and a refund issued within two days of posting.

The RM will of course have logged receipt of the delivery, but I guess there is a mechanism missing to tell you (classic example of a big organisation not focussing on the customer)




Not my circus, not my monkeys

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This must have been for a replacement rather than refund?

"It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on"  - Satoshi Nakamoto 2009

"Its going to Zero" - Peter Schiff 2013

"$1,000,000,000 by 2050"  - Fidelity 2024


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14 minutes ago, ArgentSmith said:

This must have been for a replacement rather than refund?

Yes replacement. 10x 2oz QB proof set. 2 of the proof coins were milk stained. 

I find there is a 50/50 chance that the silver proofs I get will have milk stains or not. The benefit of mint is after 30 days when the milk stain then comes out at least I can return them! Just spend 1/2 my time returning coins to them. 

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This has been my experience as well with all my returns ranging from a £65 silver proof 50p to a £2400 gold coin 🙄 The only information I ever received was from checking tracking or when I enquired about the process. If you're sending a product back especially for replacement they really sould be more dilligent in keeping people informed. At a minimum they should advise that they received the item back, whether or not they can replace it and when that replacement should be expected. As it is the service is as piss poor as the QC which is a shame and just makes the bad QC all the more frustrating to deal with.

Edited by AppleZippoandMetronome
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Ain't they like this with all returns,I bet it's super scary for new customers that may spend more then they normally would.

Treating themselves to a 2022 sov only having to return it,Then hearing nothing back or getting a replacement after a month you start to worry.

then logging into your account to see twenty of the same item forty times on the original order and the return lol.

it must be confusing as **** for new customers.

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22 hours ago, AppleZippoandMetronome said:

This has been my experience as well with all my returns ranging from a £65 silver proof 50p to a £2400 gold coin 🙄 The only information I ever received was from checking tracking or when I enquired about the process. If you're sending a product back especially for replacement they really sould be more dilligent in keeping people informed. At a minimum they should advise that they received the item back, whether or not they can replace it and when that replacement should be expected. As it is the service is as piss poor as the QC which is a shame and just makes the bad QC all the more frustrating to deal with.

Good to know I am not alone in this experience. Thanks for the input. I have also been feeding my thoughts back to account manager there, something I would advise all people to do. They will not change unless enough people tell them to change. 

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