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Queens beasts trial of the pyx

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 I've noticed that there are a few 5 and 10 oz silver proofs still available from the trial of the pyx, yale and falcon.

 I'm really surprised these haven't sold, am I missing something? Are these not as valuable as I think? There don't seem to be any for sale from dealers and there are places asking similar money for 2oz proofs.

 I am new to this game so are trial coins actually less valuable even you they are rarer?

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They aren't rare coins it's just that they've been fingered by a room full of old geezers. Personally I would want a discount but others may value the novelty more.

"It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on"  - Satoshi Nakamoto 2009

"Its going to Zero" - Peter Schiff 2013

"$1,000,000,000 by 2050"  - Fidelity 2024


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This is a highly subjective topic. Some people will see Pyx coins as a sales gimmick for damaged goods. Fingerprints, test scratches or even drill holes!

Others will see these details as features of their numismatic history, which is how RM market them. You could even argue that the Pyx coins are more robust since you do not have to worry about flaws showing up like you would with a regular version. The counter argument being that you don't need to worry about flaws because they're already ruined...

In terms of their value, well, most people seem to see them as mentioned above and so demand isn't their, although it is likely to come down to exactly which coins you are referring to. 

It's also worth noting that market trends can and will change. Pyx coins are a niche market and could possibly become more well collected in the future, much like Morgan dollars being hot property right now.

Also, if you look at RM's recent trial piece auction, all of those coins were covered in scratches, dings and other flaws, yet they sold for eye-watering sums...

Personally, I'm delighted with my Pyx coins. I feel lucky to have purchased them while they were available.

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@dicker On the 999 silver, yes. It is particularly blotchy and has some scratches to the edge. But it's the pig privy edge Britannia which is quite a rare coin and of the few that I've seen pop up on ebay, they've all been flawed with milk spots, scratches, dings etc anyway. The way I see it, my coin has flaws that are meant to be there as part of the Pyx process. 

Also, I have a .925 silver Kew Gardens which has fingerprints, but nowhere near as prominent as the Britannia. I can't see the edge on this one because of how it sits in the holder with a foam insert around it. For all I know, it could have holes in the edge 😂. I'm considering having it conserved to reduce/remove the prints but either way, I'm very fond of it regardless.

I guess you should choose accordingly with Pyx coins. You do have the RM returns policy If you don't like how they appear once delivered. I made my purchases based on the coins themselves. I'm really pleased with the Pyx factor. It adds a more exclusive feel to them but I wouldn't buy them on that alone. I would only buy Trial of the Pyx if there is a pre-conceived interest in the coin itself. That said, it wouldn't amaze me if Pyx coins generally become more popular in future...

Edited by SilverJacks
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Thanks @SilverJacks, really interesting to hear your perspective and I'm pleased that you are pleased with your coins.  That's all that matters really!

As I'm sure you know, I was being flippant and building on @ArgentSmith's comment which I thought was genuinely funny.  These Pyx coins are not for me, but I'm pleased they are made available for sale and they are definitely of numismatic interest to some.

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16 hours ago, SilverJacks said:

@dicker On the 999 silver, yes. It is particularly blotchy and has some scratches to the edge. But it's the pig privy edge Britannia which is quite a rare coin and of the few that I've seen pop up on ebay, they've all been flawed with milk spots, scratches, dings etc anyway. The way I see it, my coin has flaws that are meant to be there as part of the Pyx process. 

Also, I have a .925 silver Kew Gardens which has fingerprints, but nowhere near as prominent as the Britannia. I can't see the edge on this one because of how it sits in the holder with a foam insert around it. For all I know, it could have holes in the edge 😂. I'm considering having it conserved to reduce/remove the prints but either way, I'm very fond of it regardless.

I guess you should choose accordingly with Pyx coins. You do have the RM returns policy If you don't like how they appear once delivered. I made my purchases based on the coins themselves. I'm really pleased with the Pyx factor. It adds a more exclusive feel to them but I wouldn't buy them on that alone. I would only buy Trial of the Pyx if there is a pre-conceived interest in the coin itself. That said, it wouldn't amaze me if Pyx coins generally become more popular in future...

How did you get ahold of the kew gardens? Thought they were listed but never available?

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1 hour ago, AuricGoldfinger said:

Can someone explain what trial Of the pyx even is? Lol

Annual cosplaying event for numismatists. 😆


Happy reading! 😉

Edited by westminstrel
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