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Tips wanted on setting up a first Selling deal please - possibly for newer members...?

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Hi All,

Been thinking about starting my selling journey on the Forum for a while now, after reading several posts about the subject of putting your Exit Plan in place. So with that in mind, and being at place where some cash might come in handy in the short term, I have identified a few Silver bullion pieces that don't fit my (loose) stacking criteria...

As I had some deals with some very helpful & pleasant Forum members when I first started, I wanted to try and offer someone just starting out a good deal on them - I'll probably be loosing a few pounds over what I paid, but being able to convert to cash AND help someone get going outweighs that on this occasion 🤷‍♂️ 😁

As the title says, just wanted some help with setting up the For Sale post really, I know some members have made some deals available just to newer members, so wanted to see if there's a 'best' way to word the For Sale post? and what criteria they settled upon that classed someone as a new member?

I've accumulated some feedback here on the Forum as a buyer, and have been selling on eBay (not coins though - mostly Techy items, Cameras & Guitars!) for around 5 years, and have some great feedback - happy to share my eBay name with a potential buyer wanting to check out my good record too 😊

Thanks in advance, 



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In order to help with advice could you try and give an indication to what you are looking to sell and whether you are selling as bulk lots or individually.
A newbie could trust a buyer on the forum with good feedback so to get started perhaps post and get paid upon receipt.
This would work with low value items but if planning to sell a bulk lot then you might find it more difficult to catch a buyer prepared to pay up front unless it was the deal of the century.
The difference between eBay and here is the protection offered to buyers and sellers by eBay whereas here it is 100% reputation only.

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Hi Pete, yes sure - it won't be a huge amount of Silver!

Only looking at 2 or 3 x 1oz Britannias - bullion condition & a 2oz Red dragon of Wales - bullion condition, to start with. 

I can see what you mean about trusting sellers for a new member, but looking at it from my side - how do I trust sending to a new member without having payment? I know a few ounces of Silver isn't a huge amount to lose if they don't pay, but I can't afford to lose it!

I was hoping that my reputation on the forum would be enough for someone to trust me for a deal - or is that being naive?

Sounds like I might be better listing on eBay then? which does kind of defeat the objective of helping out a newer member... 🤔


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1 hour ago, Scootermuppet said:

Hi Pete, yes sure - it won't be a huge amount of Silver!

Only looking at 2 or 3 x 1oz Britannias - bullion condition & a 2oz Red dragon of Wales - bullion condition, to start with. 

I can see what you mean about trusting sellers for a new member, but looking at it from my side - how do I trust sending to a new member without having payment? I know a few ounces of Silver isn't a huge amount to lose if they don't pay, but I can't afford to lose it!

I was hoping that my reputation on the forum would be enough for someone to trust me for a deal - or is that being naive?

Sounds like I might be better listing on eBay then? which does kind of defeat the objective of helping out a newer member... 🤔


I'd say you need to build up a few feedback numbers on here so instead of offering to just new members, offer to all then you aren't limiting your customer base to new members only and once you have built up a bit of reputation then do the 'new member' offers.

That way you are maximizing your market for these few coins and getting a few feedback points too which adds to your reputation.

When i started selling and buying on here i just went straight for the full trust path and paid up front and asked for the payment up front when selling, its easy really but it is all down to your personal preference, you might get a better price for your Dragon on ebay though so maybe list on both platforms and see what sells first.

If i list on here its always cheaper than i list on ebay as i like to offer my stuff to members at a lower price than what i ask for on ebay..

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

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1 hour ago, Scootermuppet said:

I was hoping that my reputation on the forum would be enough for someone to trust me for a deal - or is that being naive?

It would be good enough for me, if I were in the market for silver.

You've dealt with old and new members on here without complaint, on the contrary, members speak highly of you when doing trades.

Use the suggested format if you are unsure of wording. I wouldn't hesitate to buy from you if the product was what I was after, and priced well!!

Technically, alcohol is a solution..

'It [socialism] poses a growing threat, however unintentional, to the freedom of this country, for there is no freedom where the State totally controls the economy. Personal freedom and economic freedom are indivisible. You can’t have one without the other. You can’t lose one without losing the other.'

"There is no such thing as public money, there is only taxpayers' money"

Let not England forget her precedence of teaching nations how to live, and It's  Britannia, with one t and two n's.

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I did the same thing back in June when wanting to have a bit of a tidy up. I will let you know my experience then you can go from there. 

I offered newbie discounts on half my lots. 


I sold three lots on here but had more to offer but decided not to. Out of the three, one was a genuine newbie who I thought I helped with his journey. One relisted it at a inflated price a few weeks later, and the last one had been a member for quite some time who was into his gold that just happened to qualify for the deal. All were good trades but I see you have a vision to nurture a newbie. If I was to do it again I would put it aside, spot a newbie on the chat and tell them to create a wanted add. 


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9 minutes ago, Scootermuppet said:

Thanks for all your comments, much appreciated ☺️👍

I shall check eBay and see what 2oz Dragons have been going for too, always worth a look…

Cheers all! 😁


oh, and as Roy said, i'd buy from you if what you had was what i was after, no worries

It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.

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