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how close to Spot price?


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Hi All,

I've searched the forums but not found what I was after, if I've missed the thread, please post below.

I'm new to stacking, so new I don't realy have a stack yet, just a few coins... :rolleyes:

How close to spot should I be looking at when deciding on a purchase, mainly bars. I understand coins will differ depending on brand/type.

Should I be looking at 20% to 30% over spot inclding delivery?

Thanks for reading and all comments/tips welcome!


Bars aren't fun within the EU, VAT hits it to +20% from the start.

Then add on premiums for smaller bars. The bigger you can afford the better as it'll be cheaper per Oz.

When deals for bars come on here they normally go within hours if not minutes.

If your stacking with £ Per OZ as a key factor keep with coins mainly and look for bars either outside of EU or on places like this forum. As any company selling them its not going to be a competitive price against coins (of any size)


Depends also on how much your spending at each time

A 1kg bar has a low premium say

Place a small order from STG and you have to add £12 postage plus card processing fee

Example a 10oz kook off STG is £146.23 delivered or £14.6 per oz

A 500g silver umicore bar from Atkinson's works out at £15 per oz delivered


I prefer bars especially poured stuff,I'm happy at £15 and under per oz obviously lowest the better although I'm a newbie myself

Just my thoughts


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