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Vatea.de - haven't heard from them after purchase


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Good morning,

I have purchased 20 silver coins from Vatea.de on 22 Oct. The bank transfer was made on 23 Oct and I forwarded the transfer details via e-mail to them (transferred via Transferwise).

On 26 Oct I checked at Transferwise and the payment was confirmed. The thing is, so far, I haven't received anything from Vatea. No products, no tracking number, nothing. The only thing I have is an order confirmation e-mail.

I have tried ringing them (no one picks up), sending e-mails, leaving messages on their page and even adding them on Skype. They gave given me no sign, nothing.

I am getting a bit concerned and I'd love to hear from you what I should do in this situation, where they apparently have no customer service at all and I am starting to worry whether I will receive these coins at all.

2 hours ago, SoulUK said:

With a quick forum search, the only person who has said about dealing with them is @mr-dead in 2014 sometime

See what he has to say

Thanks Soul. I've sent him a PM.


I've no experience with them but they do have a TrustedShops Guarantee certificate Can be checked out here.  It is odd that they have no mention of this on their web site.  Did they give you an option to purchase one during checkout?


I have used Vatea 2 or 3 times in the past, but not for a couple of years now.
Never had a problem, but I do recall that he often had a statement on the website stating that he wasn't going to be there for a week or two.
There doesn't seem to be one of these up at the moment though.

1 minute ago, morezone said:

I've no experience with them but they do have a TrustedShops Guarantee certificate Can be checked out here.  It is odd that they have no mention of this on their web site.  Did they give you an option to purchase one during checkout?

I don't recall having this option. Their checkout is rather odd, as the payment is to be made to a bank account. I went through with it because I've read that's the normal procedure for them an no one had problems with it. The only think I have is an order confirmation sent via e-mail.


Payment to a bank account is pretty much standard.  As a member of the Trusted Shop Guarantee Scheme, they should have offered to sell you a guarantee or give you one for free.  I do find it strange that the option isn't there or mentioned on their site yet their membership is valid until next year.

It has been a while and I would have expected some form of communication or reply by now.  If it had been recent, I would have put it down to them possibly attending the PM Trade Fair in Munich but over 1 week is a little worrying.


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