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When I started out Investing in Silver, I came across a Silver "Krugerrand" coin. (As per the image attached) At first this intrigued me as I instinctively thought it was well known worldwide. I was obviously mislead by the fact that this Silver coin was simply a privately minted "commemorative" coin which attempts to ride on the back of the popularity of the well known Gold Krugerrand. Being from South Africa I can assure you that this is not a government minted coin and no-one here I've ever spoken has even heard of the coin. 

Thankfully I did not buy it as it would have been very hard to sell in the future.

There were many of these little pitfalls that I didn't know when I started investing in Silver. Having been a Silver Investor now for many years, I figured out where many of the beginner mistakes and pitfalls are that most new Silver Investors experience. I decided to create a guide called [link removed] to cover all of the issues and hopefully get more new Silver Investors to start stacking.

It explains to beginners how to get started in Silver Investing, how to avoid buying the wrong Silver like the Silver "Krugerrand" above and how to keep stacking even when the mainstream media and financial "experts" say otherwise. I've even added a list of dealers, graphs and other essential resources to make it incredibly easy for people to get started.





I have removed the links in your posts as it links to an advert.

Even though the advert offers a 100% money back guarantee it is not within the spirit of this forum.

I'll also suggest that you don't just resurrect old threads just so your reply can include the same link.

Feel free to join in the conversations in a more casual manner and introduce yourself in the new members sections.



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