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Junk Silver / Coins / Bars


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Good morning all


Was wondering peoples opinions on the title, what would you believe to be the cheapest silver to buy into. (trying to weigh Cheap upfront against a potential return)


Bars for me I don't see the value as you can get 1oz coins for cheaper. However I've just started looking into Junk silver namely pre-1919 Two shilling coins (florins) as there 925 Silver and checking EBay (a risk on its own) you could possibly get coins for as little as £3 (not many but some) which would be a good price for the silver content


Any thoughts?


You might find pre 1947 50% easier to find but I haven't got any for while.

It's best to go off the weight of the lot because a lot of coins are worn (esp the 925).

This may be useful but remember to change to £ and its the uncirculated value listed.


There is a calculator too.


And don't forget the postage.


I would also recommend 50% coins, the premium is less than 92.5% coins, It partly depends on exit strategy though. 92.5% coins whilst slightly more premium to buy could possibly be sold of individually or in smaller groups privately, 50% has a lower premium and if you intend to sell back to a refiner is the best option as they will pay the same for the metal content as the pre 1920 stuff.


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