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The Silver Pumpers


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I started to invest in Precious metals in around 2009.

It was pretty exciting back then as there was a plethora of Silver channels on youtube speculating on the collapse of the Western World.

I would avidly follow the likes of Kiyosaki,Maloney,Guildf40,David Morgan,BrotherJohnF,Eric Sprott,Silverfuturist,Stellaconcepts,SGTReport,Goldseek Radio,Max Keiser plus many more too numerous to mention.

Although I have learned a great deal about economics and it has opened my eyes to corruption in all the worlds governments I find myself more confused than ever.

Most of the Pumpers usually have something to sell and seem to find a conspiracy theory in any news item.

Will the Pumpers continue to be wrong for the foreseeable future or will they prevail.

The person I take notice of now is Jim Puplava who has a good track record and he is very bearish on the metals and bullish on stocks.

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Everything turns around when the big money players want it to turn around, when the time comes to rocket PM's again then it will happen.  Everything is manipulated, stocks, bonds, PM's the lot, the big money gets in, forces prices up then gets out and moves on to the next thing in the chain.  


Everything turns around when the big money players want it to turn around, when the time comes to rocket PM's again then it will happen.  Everything is manipulated, stocks, bonds, PM's the lot, the big money gets in, forces prices up then gets out and moves on to the next thing in the chain.  

Assets don't always go up and down due to manipulation,usually a stock goes up because the business is under priced in relation to profits it can generate.

To believe in wholesale manipulation it would mean that the Banks and Investment houses would have to collude to decide which asset is going to make money.

I am not saying that the Banks don't act with impropriety but at the same time I don't believe they can control all markets.

How many years have the Silver Pumpers been predicting a Comex default.




The person I take notice of now is Jim Puplava who has a good track record and he is very bearish on the metals and bullish on stocks.


outside of trading I wouldn't be bullish on stocks.

17th september could be a bad day for stocks.


I agree with an opinion that pm's can still go either way

from this point. that shouldn't stop you from buying pm's

especially if someone like hgm gets in some goodies.

simply put it could be a long wait on lucky dip if you

choose to give up your chances.


pumpers may not be wrong, but the part of the story that

they sell to you may well be wrong. it takes another to lose

for someone to gain(when people are not creating things).




I look at you tube a lot and it is what got me addicted at the start i believed the hype and paid over £30 an eagle back in the day.Now i understand the manipulation of everything to suit politics and financial gain.

We will make some gains when they want to make some gains,So i am not anti stacking just don't go mad with it and don't expect PM'S as an investment made in heaven. 

If things are to be believed now, the world will collapse due to a debt bubble,bond bubble, they are even saying world war three is coming just to keep us sidetracked away from the almighty financial crash coming.If this is the case buy some shares in an armaments company just hope you survive to cash them in.


To balance the pumpers, you might like to follow some more measured commentators such as:

Peter Hug (Kitko)

RIck Rule (works for Eric Sprott, but is more cautious with his advice)

Bron Suchecki (Perth Mint)

Belangp (Youtuber, more knowledgeable than most)

Alasdair McLeod (GoldMoney)


To balance the "pumpers" and the "anti-pumpers", may I suggest you just don't listen to a word of any of these "pseudo-experts".


None of then can see into the future any more than Nostradamus or Old Mother Shipton could.   


After becoming interested in Silver the reason that made a compelling argument for Silver was its use in technology and that science was finding more uses for the metal.

As it is used in industry I would assume that an economic downturn will push the price down further.

Most of the Pumpers just talk about outlandish conspiracies rather than the fundamentals.


As it is used in industry I would assume that an economic downturn will push the price down further.

I suppose then it depends whether central banks will do absolutely anything to try to prevent a downturn.


I have to say I have made money time and again with Alasdair Macleods bear squeeze calls.


 I have no skill what so ever of making a call on open interest and nor do most of the youtube lot, he is an experienced trader and head of research at Goldmoney so you could say he has a vested interest in clients buying Gold and trading.


 I have more than covered my holding costs at Goldmoney for a  few years on his advise.  


The price of silver ranged from $10 to $18 in 2009. Lets assume you paid the high side of this range for your silver.


By Dec of 2010 you had doubled your money at $36.


Then by April of 2011 you had over 150% gain. Why didn't you at least sell half of your position ?


Answer, greed took over. After all $49 was the old high in 1980, why wouldn't you expect a correction from there, especially after a parabolic move ?

Still assuming that you paid $18, now that silver is $14 it's now everybody elses fault that your out of pocket.


To be fair to most of the people on your list - those people were "pumping silver" when it was below $5 back pre 2002. The fact is that you got in late but could still have made money and didn't !


Now to make matters even worse your posting your self induced terrible experience on silver forums and making other inexperienced novice buyers doubtful. I bet that if silver drops to $12 you will sell out for a 33% lose, instead of doubling your position and getting your average price down.
Then finally you reveal yourself for the shill that I suspect you are, by recommending Jim Paplava, a real pump and dump merchant in the precious metal stock markets.
Quote - " The person I take notice of now is Jim Puplava who has a good track record and he is very bearish on the metals and bullish on stocks."

I see this as yet more anti metals drivel, just before a potential great buying opurtunity in the precious metals and there associated stock and a global stock market crash and monetary reset.



More anti metals hype, just before a potential great buying opurtunity in the precious metals and there associated stock and a global stock market crash and monetary reset.


ooooh look we have a silver "pumper" joining the forum  :D Welcome.



Cue, lots of threads of our upcoming adventures in space.......I can't wait  :rolleyes:




One of the great things about the members on this board is that they can think for themselves and take responsibility for their own investments.

Please take the opportunity to introduce yourself in the new members section.


I don't really understand this "silver pumping" stuff, im a stacker not too interested

in making a mint(scuse the pun).

I'm in it for the simple reason that my lot wont be able to say "wot a c***t,he's left us nowt" when im gone :P....

....or will they? ;)


If you had put your money into silver in 2005 (10 years ago) at lets say for argument $8 dollars as thats all you had. I like easy sums.  At the same time you put $8 into a cash savings account and you put $8 into the stock market 


Your Silver would be worth                   $14.50 before Tax


Yours cash savings would be worth     $13.03 and thats if you were lucky and found a 5% return tax free


Your S&P 500 returned                       $12.08 before Tax  






Remember every time you trade you lose money to the banks!


Are well I now know what a shill is now, well it seems to have a few meanings all negative. My fav though is the one that states a shill is

A person who pretends to give an impatial endorsement of something of which they themselves have an interest.

I would argue this statement relates to the said names most if not all. IMO nearly all of the Internet is full of snake oil sales men with an angle and its hard to find that small % that offer independent advice. Even then a lot are biased one way or the other.

FVH by his user name will have a certain view!


Not diplomatic maybe, but HYA is not wrong.


A profit could have easily been taken in 2011.


I am not judging, just backing up the fact. Personally I will sell half or all of an investment on a 50% rise.

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.


I think there are people here who just like having a pile of coins.


 or just Silver in general :)



lets face it, what`s Not to like about it?


Not me if silver went up 50% to my average the whole lot would go then i would buy back in when it came back down.


I think there are people here who just like having a pile of coins.

If silver did go hyperbolic some members will have some tough decisions whether to sell or not.

I don't have a problem selling silver, but if gold went ballistic, my sovereigns would be looking up at me and pleading "please don't sell me".

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


The price of silver ranged from $10 to $18 in 2009. Lets assume you paid the high side of this range for your silver.


By Dec of 2010 you had doubled your money at $36.


Then by April of 2011 you had over 150% gain. Why didn't you at least sell half of your position ?


Answer, greed took over. After all $49 was the old high in 1980, why wouldn't you expect a correction from there, especially after a parabolic move ?

Still assuming that you paid $18, now that silver is $14 it's now everybody elses fault that your out of pocket.


To be fair to most of the people on your list - those people were "pumping silver" when it was below $5 back pre 2002. The fact is that you got in late but could still have made money and didn't !


Now to make matters even worse your posting your self induced terrible experience on silver forums and making other inexperienced novice buyers doubtful. I bet that if silver drops to $12 you will sell out for a 33% lose, instead of doubling your position and getting your average price down.

Then finally you reveal yourself for the shill that I suspect you are, by recommending Jim Paplava, a real pump and dump merchant in the precious metal stock markets.

Quote - " The person I take notice of now is Jim Puplava who has a good track record and he is very bearish on the metals and bullish on stocks."

I see this as yet more anti metals drivel, just before a potential great buying opurtunity in the precious metals and there associated stock and a global stock market crash and monetary reset.

If you had bothered to read any of my other posts you will see that I have done very well out of my precious metal investments as I sold it all in 2011.

Since 2011 I have bought back in and lost money but overall I am still very much in the black.

I have sold all of my physical and cleared all of my credit card debt and a chunk off the mortgage.

Silver is hugely volatile with the potential to make and lose fortunes and I consider myself lucky to have made money out of it.

Also what evidence do you have that Jim Puplava is a pump and dump merchant.


Most of the Pumpers ...... seem to find a conspiracy theory in any news item.

Your use of the derogative term 'conspiracy theory' or conspiracy theorist to dismiss the alternative media in your list, especially The SGTReport gets my back up.

If the gold and silver markets are not manipulated by criminal bankers then that is the only area of the market that isn't. Proof being the billions of dollars in fines that the major banks have had to pay in just the last couple of years. The Libor fixing being just one of many.

Almost all of the so called 'terrorist attacks' are perpetrated by our rogue criminal governments. Operation Gladio is still alive and well, so well that it's gone global.

I suggest that you follow Zerohedge, Jim Willie, Bill Holter and Catherine Austin Fitts for a more real big picture view of this World. Politically correct they are not.

We are entering very dangerous times. Even the Pope speaks of a New World Order.

The 4th Reich is alive and well and it's brainwashed its puppets into using the term 'conspiracy theorist' to quell descent and silence the informed.

Don't waste your time with Jim Paplava. He thinks Global warming is real.

My criminal Government classifies me as a terrorist for having my own opinion.

Just one question for you and I'd very much appreciate an answer. 911 was an inside job. True or false ?



p.s. @ DRooster, stop being such a politically correct, useful idiot and get back to your game of cricket, your losing !


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