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christofle cutlery


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I have recently received a quantity of Christofle silver plate cutlery and am not sure of it's age or value.  It is Rubans design and is in quite good condition. Any help would be appreciated.




Goto Ebay and check completed listings, That is your best way to see, 99 times out of 100 silver plate isnt worth anything, However if they are all christofle these may have some value.


The great thing about this set is the unique profiles,

I would be very interested at a car-boot fair,

but a bit scared in some old antique shop : they look rare and expensive,

material (silver content) seems irrelevant.


Why are the middle two black?


Hi Sue, you are probably in the wrong place for advice on plate, I for one go to great lengths to avoid being sold any in coin form  :) . I can't help on value sorry, though I do have

a question for you on the two black pieces, is that ebony fixed onto metal or metal throughout?


I'm guessing the black is Niello, hope the OP responds.

Could well be Mr. Rooster, the only Niello I've seen has been used as a decorative feature rather than as in the picture but I'm no flatware aficionado, I only ask about ebony because I've seen

some Christofle silver and ebony chopsticks before.


Just clocked the price on them there chopsticks, £67  :o




This Christofle gear seems to be at the top of the tree as far as plate goes.


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