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What Modern 1oz Gold Bullion Coins Are Collectible?


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I'm just going to start with my perception, but I'm more than open to being wrong 


Modern 1oz gold bullion coins aren't any better than bars are they? 


I know the old panda's are nice,  but that's not particularly relevant to now because in the 90's they were minted in 15,000-40,000ish but today it's more like 500,000


I know Numistacker may be able to shed some light on libertads and if the newer gold bullion is likely to carry a premium going in to the future


Britannia's aren't going to carry any premium going forward


Maybe the lunar series 2? mintage of 30,000


I don't think the RM lunar horse or sheep are going to be anything special 


I guess summing up: there doesn't seem to be any point paying any extra premium on modern 1oz gold bullion 



Help thread for members new to silver/gold stacking/collecting

The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 


I can see the merit in going collectable with part of your silver as it's been hovering about the £10-£11 mark for years but a full oz of gold can vary massively in price even over a single day as today proved so I fail to see the point in going for anything collectable and paying a premium surely it's all about the spot price going big so you just want as cheap an oz of gold as you can get.


Maybe if spot (eg)halves 1ozers will hold some extra premium where a bar would not.


They can currently be too expensive when it comes to finding a buyer unlike the fractional which are more affordable.


the problem with a collectible that costs over £700 an item, is that not many people can afford to "collect" a large number of them, meaning that the market for them is fairly stagnant. Which is why most ounce gold coins hover just above spot value.


If you are looking for gold collectibles which might appreciate in value, then you have to drop down to smaller sizes, such as the 1/10th's, which hold a healthy premium and are affordable enough to be collected in numbers, 


Wise words from @HighlandTiger


A collectable coin is only collectable and worth the premium when you have a buyer for said coin


Should you ever need to exit your position and needs funds quick.  A cash-for-gold shop will still mostly only ever give you up 95-98% of whatever spot is


i wouldn't say anyone here frequenting the forum here has limitless bottomless funds to pay mega money over the odds for a fancy design or limited issue.  


An oz of gold is an oz of gold to me.


What i have chose to do is first to look at trying to source and obtain one of every majorly circulated bullion, and trying to do this by sourcing and obtaining as near to spot WITHOUT paying anything additional for rarity or collector value.

Francs, Britannias, sovs, maple, ASE, libbys, phils, st gaudens, liberty head, panda, kangaroo 


Im nowhere near complete, i am following noset plan.  This project, i am missing loads currently.  


But as your check list grows  the next time i have £800 spare i will see what it is available on that day im buying to see what is being added


Knowing in your mind you are paying 3% over spot and you can sell in emergency and get 98% of spot. All you 'risk/spread' is just 5%


I just want to say, that if you want to collect bullion coins go onto coininvest site, take a look at the Mexican coins, they will never be worth a lot of money over spot but in my opinion the


Azteca 20 peso  and the 50 peso are beautiful coins and worth their place in any collection.


Obviously if people are just stacking they maybe not quite the best investment.    


I think once you have taken the blue pill and came over to the dark side of precious metals it makes you a kind of switched on individual


You need to know about spot price, premiums, fineness, weights, troy oz vs normal oz, history of gold as money, have an interest in saving/wealth preservation, be awake to everything not being tickerty-boo in the world, a certain level of distrust or fear of bankers/government/stock markets/paper assets 


With all these character traits, it makes for a shrewd level headed person who isnt too keen to pay over the odds for anything he doesnt have to




1oz has a smaller collector base but a much quicker and easier exit route.  They are a great size and I love them but I'll never to able to collect all that I want.


For every 10 single 1oz, I could have say 30 1/4oz.  But when the time comes to sell, I would have to sell privately to get the original premium back but then there is a chance of good collector appreciation but that extra is then offset by the work involved in order to sell it.

With the 1oz the premium is less so can be off loaded to a dealer with a smaller loss.  Also, since I'm not going to have to dispose of as many coins, then the work involved in selling privately is much less and I can capitalise on any appreciation although they probably would be a smaller % than fractionals.


Very few gold coins gain much collector premium.  Even sovereigns fall into that category.  The 2002/2005 bullions coins sell for 20% over spot delivered and they're 10+ years old.  Vic shields sell for more but then they are 100 years old and if it wasn't for HGM, there would be very little opportunity obtain them for a good price and to gain from collector premiums.


I see gold as a collecting hobby and I'm not concerned about the gain in premiums.  You don't really get chance to stack a large number of a single coin unless you're wealthy.


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