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sovereign real?


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Hi just interested in some of the wealth of experience on here...


I have a sovereign that im pretty sure is ok but ill attach pics.


I have weighed it no problem there.


Ive dropped it on the work top with sovereigns I know the history of.. again That's fine.


It is in poor condition and the coin is rougher to the touch than my other sovs..


But is that just down to poor condition that's my main question.


Any help appreciated as always..








Hello Stan

looks ok to me, just quite worn and knocked about. It has the appearance of a sovereign thats spent some time in the ground and had a few years being knocked about by farm machinery hence all the edge knocks and scrapes


Hello Stan

looks ok to me, just quite worn and knocked about. It has the appearance of a sovereign thats spent some time in the ground and had a few years being knocked about by farm machinery hence all the edge knocks and scrapes




Cheers Pipers im sure Steve will have a look at some stage and ive watched the chards fake sovereign video which was very good...



It looks fine to me, as long as it weighs and measures OK, should be no problem. I've never come across a fake of this type and year. Yes, a bit battered certainly, I like the story of it being knocked around in a field by a plough etc!

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


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