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My stack and four month progress what do you think?


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Hi guys Gravsey been awhile since I have spoke to you guys here on the forum however I have been here watching reading all your guys posts.


So if you remember my Intro post you will know that I am a young stacker with not a lot of disposable income but I have been putting some money aside to build up my stack each month. I have decided to list all the items in my stack so far

so you guys could give your two cents on its progress and give me any tips and direction of where to go from here. 


1x 1 oz silver philharmonic 

3x 1 oz PM 2015 koala 

2x 1 oz PM 2015 kooks 

2x 1 oz PM 2013 lunar snakes 

2x  0.5 oz 2015 lunar goats 

1x  1 oz 2015 panda 

1x  1 oz PM funnel web spider 

8 x 1oz maples 

1x  1oz 2015 ASE

 so what do you guys think? my average per ounce is 16 pounds which I consider to be okay as I have bought a few things with a slightly higher premium however is there anyway to buy 5-6 ounces a month for roughly the same price as STG in the Uk or is STG my best bet????as I keep having to pay a 22 pound delivery fee which I see as wasted money.





£16 an ounce is not bad. Keep an eye on the various "For sale" threads on this forum. You should be able to get some good deals within your budget from the regular sellers here


£16 an ounce is not bad. Keep an eye on the various "For sale" threads on this forum. You should be able to get some good deals within your budget from the regular sellers here

Thank you, yeah I will seems like a good way to buy currently just looking for some maples or ASE nothing fancy do these tend to creep up alot? 


I remember someone else saying it was more expensive because they were fairly remote.

There are other German dealers with different couriers. I think EMK use DHL approx 10euros. Coins are a bit more expensive as they discount quantities and you'd need to use Transferwise or Currencyfair to pay in Euros as they don't have a UK account. Whether their courier will charge more to you I do not know.

Alternatively, maybe team up with someone locally. Or someone here who'd be kind enough to forward coins on if you pay special delivery.

Or ask what deals the UK forum sponsors can do.


Good start :) As has been posted here before, just getting a couple of ounces a month, over a period of years, will get you a great nest egg. Dont forget to put some money if you have it into something like a share fund, in a regular investment. Just £50 a month over 20 years plus will grow you an awesome nestegg.


Saving in silver is great, and i applaud your efforts. Diversification of your investments though will be a good idea in the long term. 


Good luck, keep stacking, and saving! :)


Good start I would say. I tend to only buy the odd coin which has a higher premium/proof and stick with the usual bullion. I would advise to stack the coins where the design changes year to year as generic stuff like Ase and maples will only hold spot price.

“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.” Oscillate Wildly


I use a combination of cashback and survey sites to get vouchers which I use to order coins from Amazon, they are a little (a lot) dearer from there but I class them as 'free' since they are not costing me any physical cash plus I am not eating into any work or paid hours time to earn them, I would just be sponging in front of the TV anyway and use them to lower my average ounce rate.  If I make a small order from Silver-to-go I am usually around £15 in postage and the 2% credit card fees however for every Silver-to-go order I place if I can also order just a single 1oz coin from Amazon using my 'free' voucher I then consider this to be offset.


If what you have is 4 months worth of stacking would you not be better just sticking the cash away and making the one order every 4x months, you have enough for a tube of 20-25 1oz coins with only the one postage charge to pay.


I use a combination of cashback and survey sites to get vouchers which I use to order coins from Amazon, they are a little (a lot) dearer from there but I class them as 'free' since they are not costing me any physical cash plus I am not eating into any work or paid hours time to earn them, I would just be sponging in front of the TV anyway and use them to lower my average ounce rate.  If I make a small order from Silver-to-go I am usually around £15 in postage and the 2% credit card fees however for every Silver-to-go order I place if I can also order just a single 1oz coin from Amazon using my 'free' voucher I then consider this to be offset.


If what you have is 4 months worth of stacking would you not be better just sticking the cash away and making the one order every 4x months, you have enough for a tube of 20-25 1oz coins with only the one postage charge to pay.

sounds like a great way of getting free silver doesnt it take a lot of time to build up money from those sites though? amd yeah it makes sense to save but I love my silver kick each month.


Good start I would say. I tend to only buy the odd coin which has a higher premium/proof and stick with the usual bullion. I would advise to stack the coins where the design changes year to year as generic stuff like Ase and maples will only hold spot price.

can you namesome coins you reccomend?


I use Topcashback and Valued Opinions and between the two of them I can get a minimum £15 voucher every month.  A coin I could get from Silver-to-go for £13 costs me nearer £20 from Amazon but even if sometimes I have to put a fiver to it it's still an ounce of silver for a fiver.


You have made a decent start to your stacking! I would concur with the other guys and advise saving for a larger order with STG or buy a few at a time from the trusted sellers on here. Don't forget Pandas / Perth Mint coins may be that bit more expensive but there's a reason for that.... Nothing wrong with regular Maples / ASE'S etc ( I have a decent collection myself) but it's always going to be the former that stand the most chance of gaining upside in a few years. Good luck and keep enjoying what you do......


I just did the maths if you buy from EMK and your location qualifies for the DHL rate of 9.95 euros.

6 bullion coins inc delivery will be around 129.95 euros total.

At exchange rate 1.38 paid through Transferwise it will be around £95 total.

So all in around £15.80 per coin


you have done very well , i did the same when starting out buying different stuff , i have around 13 different items  that make up my 100 oz  looking back i wish i,d have done it much different , i would have stuck to 10 oz bars   im sure that when jp morgan buy their silver as they know a thing or two , they buy BIG and just one product .but as i say youve done really well ..


im sure that when jp morgan buy their silver as they know a thing or two , they buy BIG and just one product .but as i say youve done really well ..


It always makes more sense to buy in bulk. Naturally a large investment bank is going to be buying good delivery bars rather than tubes of coins, because its far more economical.


Although we cannot all buy 1000s of ounces at a time, the logic is the same: if you are buying for pure weight of metal, purchase in bulk at the largest quantity you can afford, at the lowest possible cost, at the right time - whether that is 5 coins from Atkinsons to take advantage of mix/match discounts, or 400oz bars at Bullionvault, or something in between.


If i were to go back in time and start stacking from scratch, the one thing I would change is to buy less often, but in larger quantities.


Where can you buy a 10oz bar that comes anywhere close to as cheap as a 10oz Koala coin from STG?, I'd love some bars but I just can't find any at a price that makes more sense to buy than the 10oz coin.


Chances are you will not find anything cheaper in the UK because of the VAT. the cheapest seems to be the Sunshine Mint 10oz bar which at current prices you won't get for less than £150 delivered. I think the 10oz Koala is an ugly looking coin, but it will be nearly £20 cheaper for the same amount of metal and it might even become sought after in its own right in a few years. 


If you want a big bar, even 500g isn't that big but it's a good size. The 1kg ones are when they start to look more "impressive", and also crucially, the low cost means the VAT isn't such a major factor - you will be paying (at present) less than £14/oz delivered even with VAT, on a plain kilo bar.


It always makes more sense to buy in bulk. Naturally a large investment bank is going to be buying good delivery bars rather than tubes of coins, because its far more economical.


Although we cannot all buy 1000s of ounces at a time, the logic is the same: if you are buying for pure weight of metal, purchase in bulk at the largest quantity you can afford, at the lowest possible cost, at the right time - whether that is 5 coins from Atkinsons to take advantage of mix/match discounts, or 400oz bars at Bullionvault, or something in between.


If i were to go back in time and start stacking from scratch, the one thing I would change is to buy less often, but in larger quantities.


'at the right time' is the key here. people who bought in

bulk when silver was going to the moon a few years

back will have less silver to show for the same money



buy in quantities that keeps delivery costs to maybe <5%

of total cost may work. with experience comes improvement





I agree the VAT is a killer, when you go up to a kilo bar I find I have exactly the same dilemma, I can get a kilo Kookaburra or Lunar Horse coin from STG far cheaper. I'd love some hefty bullion bars but just can't justify them raising my average cost per ounce.


Oh absolutely the kilo coin without VAT is still cheaper, but the difference in price-per-oz is less. All comes down to what you want more: Sheer number of ounces, or the desire to have a bar.


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