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gold sovereign's


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where can I find some info on gold sovereign's?


I'm completely new to gold so any info or books you can point me too would be good.


thanks Rob


Don't forget Marshes half sov book as well . both can be picked up on eBay for under a tenner each

The full sovereign book (jubilee edition) rarely sells for less than a tenner as far as I have seen.

Stacker since 2013


i'll look on amazon now.


im looking for info on full sovereign's that are modern. do they increase in value over the years or do the majority stay at spot?


ill get the full sov book now, will this have all the info I will need in it?


my personal opinion is the milky y2k+ sovereigns

will add collector value very slowly. alternative

reverses may do better.



ill get the full sov book now, will this have all the info I will need in it?


the marsh book is dated 2002 I think.




yes it came out feb 2002. would I need a newer book or will this be sufficient?


i'll look on amazon now.


im looking for info on full sovereign's that are modern. do they increase in value over the years or do the majority stay at spot?


when you say modern, do you mean coins minted since 2000?




yes, im completely new to all this so point out any of my mistakes.


yes it came out feb 2002. would I need a newer book or will this be sufficient?


I was of the impression that a 2002 book won't have

that much info on sovereigns since 2000. can someone

comment on this?




You won't get a newer version of the book specifically on sovereigns as Michael Marsh passed away a number of years ago.


thanks doogs, this will get me info I need for now and I might buy the spinks  book if I need more up to date info. thanks for all the help.


another question.


when it comes to gold in the UK do people mainly buy sovereigns or do they buy other coins like pandas, kooks etc...?


Personally I find the Marsh books fairly poor - there's a lot of waffle and if you're looking for price-books there are certainly more up-to-date publications.  Rotographic Publications do some very good ones - written by Chris Perkins, I believe.


The problem is that all of these books are written at a certain point in time and gold is so volatile at the moment that as soon as a book is published, it is outdated.  Any 'different' sovereigns will stand a higher chance of appreciating in value when compared to bog-standard St George and the Dragons.


where can I find some info on gold sovereign's?


I'm completely new to gold so any info or books you can point me too would be good.


thanks Rob

Get the Marsh book. It's not perfect, nor complete but has info you won't find easily elsewhere.

Have a good look on this forum, there's plenty of good info.

Finally, as a good starter, scour the Chard sovereign site http://www.goldsovereigns.co.uk/ and read everything there.

It's a bit disorganised, ignore old prices, but is a good, general resource.

Finally, enjoy these fabulous coins.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


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