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Reason for not displaying the weight on a coin


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By not having the weight of a coin stamped onto it, is this to show that it's an established and trusted coin which is respected and will be exact in weight as promised?

The sovereign doesn't display any weight markings and is a trusted coin that has stood the test of time, which is why I was wondering why the Chinese have started to do this to their coins.

Are there any rules that say there should be the weight displayed on a coin or is it the individual mint's preference whether it is shown?


coins need to have a date and denomination. all uk

circulating coins don't have their weight stamped on

the coins themselves.


I think they should all just stamp the weight etc. on

the edge as an inscription for those who want to

read it and out of the way of the main coin design.




I forgot to put that I was meaning precious metal coins HH, regarding weight markings.

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The latest Chinese panda not displaying the '1oz Ag .999' may just be an error opposed to being purposely omitted. Guess we will find out when the release the next year.

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The latest Chinese panda not displaying the '1oz Ag .999' may just be an error opposed to being purposely omitted. Guess we will find out when the release the next year.

It's omitted throughout their gold & silver 2015 range so not an error.


I never buy coins wthout purity and weight stamped on them. Thats why I avoid Philharmonic (Ag), american eagles (Ag, Au), etc...

Any particular reason for that?

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


Yeah, when I try to sell, the buyer may not be familiar with the coin, so I do not want to explain and teach.... just read on the coin everything you need. Also I never buy anything less than 999 (AGE, Krugerrands, Sovs....)


Yeah, when I try to sell, the buyer may not be familiar with the coin, so I do not want to explain and teach.... just read on the coin everything you need. Also I never buy anything less than 999 (AGE, Krugerrands, Sovs....)


Seems you have cut out 3 of the most recognised gold coins in the world from your stack :blink:


Never understood the obsession with 999 gold coins either, I just focus on fine weight content if I get a little free copper or silver in the deal then its all good :)


Yeah, when I try to sell, the buyer may not be familiar with the coin, so I do not want to explain and teach.... just read on the coin everything you need. Also I never buy anything less than 999 (AGE, Krugerrands, Sovs....)


If a buyer of silver coins is not familiar with American silver eagles or Gold sovereigns, then I'm afraid they shouldn't be buying gold or silver.


Also if a buyer is only relying on coins that have weight and purity stamped on them to decided if the coin is genuine or not, then I'm afraid they are going to get stung time and time again...


Yeah, when I try to sell, the buyer may not be familiar with the coin, so I do not want to explain and teach.... just read on the coin everything you need. Also I never buy anything less than 999 (AGE, Krugerrands, Sovs....)

If the people you will be attempting to sell to in the future do not know a sov from a maple and are relying solely on what is written/struck on the coin to authenticate purity, I would suggest that they are unlikely to be in a position to purchase any precious metal in the first instance.

If not I think I will be visiting your homeland soon to sell on some "precious metals"

“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.” Oscillate Wildly


I like it stamped on, I think that the new pandas look wrong without, the more clues you have are better to spot if it is a fake, if you have a big stack like Mr dead with different purities and weights must be hard to catalog at know exactly what you have without using a spread sheet, scales and calculator. Plus I'm quite anal and like to have x oz's and x fractions


At the end of the day, you can't depend completely on what's stamped on your coins; everything that's valuable and popular will get faked at some point.

I can see it's usefullness in terms of helping cataloguing but unless you're a big time stacker with next to no interest or knowledge in the coins themselves, you will know what the purity and weight of these things are.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


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