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When can we expect the 2015 proof britannias?


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Cheers HH not too long to wait now then! any idea on the 5oz coin? though considering how well the 2014 did those will sell out fast I should think.


Thats amazing, Cheers for the heads up! I think that design was pretty well received so I can see the new britannias doing well. Might actually stump up the cash for a 5oz 


I've seen one in the flesh. They're very nice. Same design as the new £2 coin but without the outer circle bit


Surely that can't be right? it's a nice design but seems weird to recycle it from a £2 coin to a 2015 proof which is suppose to be something special 


Has a unique Britannia design ever been used on another coin first?  

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I don't know whether they'll change the BU design next year. The crazy thing is, I had the opportunity to buy one for £45 but didn't have my head screwed on at all. By the time I realised it was gone.


if that is the design for the proof, i personally will be very disappointed. if they use the same design it just reeks of money grabbing and a general "screw them they will buy whatever crap we shove at them " attitude. My opinion of RM in its present state will drop to even lower levels, and i didnt think that was possible.


...it just reeks of money grabbing and a general "screw them they will buy whatever crap we shove at them " attitude.

This attitude is by no means exclusive to the Royal Mint. And even if it was, they're right - as evidenced by some of the rounds/coins that I've seen since becoming interested in silver, people genuinely do buy any old rubbish.


The general sentiment amongst buyers is making me question buying now lol..Unlike the 2014 I am not overly keen on the design so it would be pure speculation with the idea to flip, Thats a good point Kman it does seem a bit of a piss take.


The fact is, the royalint is could have created a coin designed by a three year old and the chances are they would still sell out. Collectors are a bit anal when it comes to completing sets, and a crap looking coin or a knock off design won't deter them. I actually like the design, and as others said when the ordinary coin came out, and they wished the proof was in full silver instead of two tone, well now they have the chance to get one, not only that, it'll be bigger and a higher purity.


I have a very useful tool for when I cant decide what to do..I shall consult my all knowing magic 8 ball and ask if they will be a good buy..


So I asked it "will the 2015 proof britannia be a good investment" 


Response - "cannot predict now" il ask again later..


Im sure this thing is just as accurate as the so called "Guru's" :rolleyes:


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