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Pawn stars silver?


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I was watching pawn stars last night and was full of normal rubbish. At the end they had a bet that he couldn't shoot.999 a 1oz old man silver coin, which he did. Noticed that when they had a close up of it it looked like silver plated on copper. Tried taking a pic on phone but didn't come out that well. Anyone have this coin? If so has is it .999?223fc01ca19e439ace0681c09ceb86fc.jpg


In the episode 'silver linings' which I cant find a link for someone sells loads of silver so they use it to make the coins. Whether someone brings in some copper too I do not know.


I was watching pawn stars last night and was full of normal rubbish.

That's my favourite falling asleep in front of TV rubbish there Mr. Farmer, about five minutes normally does the trick. I like it as the cast are a likeable lot, we know it's staged, they know it's staged, and every now and again

an item of interest crops up.


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