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CRUSADERS, County of Tripoli. Bohémond VII. 1275-1287 - What to do?


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I'm still making my way through all the 10 boxes of goodies I bought at action, I found this little gem in there. 


It has a clip on the backside to attach it to a tie I think. What do I do, do I try to remove the clip or do i sell it with the clip on it? If I remove the clip, how would I do it without damaging the coin? I can't tell if it's glued or sodered on.


I believe its the coin pictured here. The weight and diameter checks out, it does weigh a gram more, which is most likely because of the clip. 









Oh did you edit or am I going mad?

I'm of the view of when a coin has been turned into jewellery then it's no longer a coin..


:( - Whats the best way to turn this back into a coin and remove the clip, without causing further damage to the coin.


Oh did you edit or am I going mad?

I'm of the view of when a coin has been turned into jewellery then it's no longer a coin..

That is the general consensus. Certainly however well it is restored, much value has already been lost.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


:( - Whats the best way to turn this back into a coin and remove the clip, without causing further damage to the coin.

Depends what is acting as the adhesive. If it is soldered, I don't think all trace can ever be removed. That is certainly the case with gold; silver, I'm not sure. i can ask my jeweller friend. He has done a few nice restore jobs on gold coins for me.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


Hi @TCSilver  can i see a picture of the edge of the coin, i want to see how thick it is and should be able to tell if its genuine or a copy


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