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Falklands £2 coin 'battle of falklands island'


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Currently in the falklands due to fly home and they have a lot of war coins, medalions etc for sale. At the moment i have only bought the £2 coin. Is there any more down here that would be worth a few more back home? Any specific to the falklands that would be a struggle to get?




Currently in the falklands due to fly home and they have a lot of war coins, medalions etc for sale. At the moment i have only bought the £2 coin. Is there any more down here that would be worth a few more back home? Any specific to the falklands that would be a struggle to get?


What you doing out there?


what's the prices like on silver? I might be interested in a few coins if the price is right


I'd think about bring back some coins in circulation and putting them on eBay. The Arctic fox 50p could make £3+. Any other designs not seen on coins in the UK for 50ps £2s (and maybe some £1s if you see anything different to the regular design there).

If they sell then you can spend the profit on silver.

If they don't sell you can put them in vending machines or self serve tills in supermarkets.

I'm suggesting that if you can get them for face value in your change or from the post office. I don't know if coins in presentation packs with a premium are worth getting or not.


I have a couple of Falkland island proof coins. I picked them up one at auction and one in a fair abroad both a fraction under spot. DYOR and a small profit is sure to be found.


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