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Great video thanks for posting it, and extra points for including the towers coin sold by the "super nice guy", I would have pretended that never happened, tend to find a lot of the fakers are super nice guys  :D Regarding

your paper currency, not that I'm any kind of authority but I have a little experience, the serious collectors can be a real handful. They want their notes in pristine condition, very fussy indeed and great at finding invisible flaws, or maybe I just met the wrong ones. With hindsight I would have graded before selling. Your going to need a bigger table should you get that extension  :D Are you paying near enough spot over there?


Great video thanks for posting it, and extra points for including the towers coin sold by the "super nice guy", I would have pretended that never happened, tend to find a lot of the fakers are super nice guys  :D Regarding

your paper currency, not that I'm any kind of authority but I have a little experience, the serious collectors can be a real handful. They want their notes in pristine condition, very fussy indeed and great at finding invisible flaws, or maybe I just met the wrong ones. With hindsight I would have graded before selling. Your going to need a bigger table should you get that extension  :D Are you paying near enough spot over there?



Thanks for checking it out.  I found a few ways to get it home, and I have sent much of the gold home already. I got an extension, Thank God!    I can get PAMP for about a half percent over spot which is great. I was getting the gold rounds at about 1.3 percent over spot but that company went out of business.    As for the MS state Gold and Sliver, depending on mintage, I am getting from a really good dealer at about 80% over spot.  ( that is allot, but we are talking MS 62 or higher, with low mintage in most cases.  I am still under Gold and Silver spot from 3 years ago, with a very strong Numismatic play.  I can get as much PAMP as I want  ( er I meant can Afford ) at just over spot which is amazing.  I watch the price and spot allot, there are many times in the day that I can get a 1 Kilo Pamp Bar for about 50 dollars UNDER spot.  Too bad I don't have the cash to do that.  It is at my local bank and a very well kept secret.


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