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Hi guys, my names Craig just joined up looking for some pointers on how best to invest in gold and silver.  I'm in the UK, Scotland to be precise and figured I'd better get some insurance built up behind me just in case we get the full fiscal autonomy our Scottish government have been shouting for as I can't see that ending well.

Got about 5K to invest so was thinking on 4k in gold, (probably 3K of Britannias and 1K in Sovereigns) and 1K in Silver Britannias.


I am happy to hold on to them for years as they are more an insurance than anything else but I still want to get the best deal I can get.


Hi Craig,

Looks like a sensible split in my book, although personally I'd go heavier on the sovereigns over the britannias. That's just my opinion.

If you expect to spend 5k and then stop, you can stop kidding yourself as soon as you take your first delivery [emoji1]

Stacker since 2013


I've already bought some gold sovereigns Danny just to see how it would go, to be honest I was a bit underwhelmed, they are 2014 ones and in my hand they just look like shinier copper pennies, that's why this time I thought about getting a heftier shinier coin just to make me feel better about it.  The Britannias look more like gold, are 24 ct rather than 22 which I just thought might make me feel like I have something more special.


I've already bought some gold sovereigns Danny just to see how it would go, to be honest I was a bit underwhelmed, they are 2014 ones and in my hand they just look like shinier copper pennies, that's why this time I thought about getting a heftier shinier coin just to make me feel better about it. The Britannias look more like gold, are 24 ct rather than 22 which I just thought might make me feel like I have something more special.

That sounds fair, I didn't know you had already made a purchase.

My only reasoning for the sovereigns was the fact they are 1/4oz (ish) and very readily sellable. But so are 1oz gold coins, so no real issue there.

I've just started on sovereigns, and have fallen in love with them so maybe I'm biased [emoji1]

If you have the ready cash, go as big as you feel you want to - you won't lose on them assuming gold stays level or rises.

Stacker since 2013


Hi and welcome. Yes the new sovereigns don't look great and the strike is poor. If you buy random sovereigns from Hatton Garden Metals you will get a good price, good mix of year and better looking coins IMO,although will be bullion grade so could be A1 or circulated condition. If you want larger sizes they sell various coins from around the world mints, usually at 3% over spot price. Just depends what has been traded in at any given time. If you have a spare 25k they have a 1kg pamp Suisse bar in at the moment. Enjoy.

“Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.” Oscillate Wildly


Try getting a George IV sovereign. You might well prefer that to the modern sovs.

Without having to search myself, what's the date range on those?

Stacker since 2013

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Welcome to the forum Craig.

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