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larger coins versus higher relief

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I remember someone saying something like they

would consider a coin different/maybe better if it

had a bigger coin face to show the details more

clearly, and that piedforts where not really different

to non piedforts if you displayed the coin.


I was looking at my 1887 florin versus my 1887

double florin and noticed how the bigger coin

does not look as impressive.(both should be about

the same grade in detail and wear) the smaller

coin looks to have a higher relief.


are smaller coins struck better on average?


do smaller coins have the same rim to coin face

ratio as larger ones?


do piedforts have higher rims(ie do they take full

advantage of their thickness)?





I remember someone saying something like they

would consider a coin different/maybe better if it

had a bigger coin face to show the details more

clearly, and that piedforts where not really different

to non piedforts if you displayed the coin.


I was looking at my 1887 florin versus my 1887

double florin and noticed how the bigger coin

does not look as impressive.(both should be about

the same grade in detail and wear) the smaller

coin looks to have a higher relief.


are smaller coins struck better on average?


do smaller coins have the same rim to coin face

ratio as larger ones?


do piedforts have higher rims(ie do they take full

advantage of their thickness)?



Lots of good questions, can't help I'm afraid.

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


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