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I have been part of this forum since before it existed, discussing it with Chris elsewhere on the on internet. I was I think the 8th person to sign up and I am very proud of what Chris and the rest of the team has done to the Silver Forum since then.


No one knew exactly what would happen when we started, what direction it would go, or how it would grow. And it has grown well, into one of the best forums out there for silver collectors. And that is thanks to all the people who make up the membership. There are a lot of knowledgeable people here who are happy to help out their fellow collectors. It is rather fab!


It has grown more into a place for collectors than stackers. And there is nothing wrong with that. In this grand experiment, who could have known what direction it would take? I was reticent to join the moderation team when first asked, but did so in the hope that I would represent at least some of the membership. Looking at the direction the forum has taken, I'm not sure that I do.


My politics are very left wing. I am not a collector I am a stacker. Not an investor, a SHTF-er. I am a hippy and an anarchist. I read tarot and talk to my spirits. I disrespect authority, and I am not subject to their hypnotism. I am a pacifist.


All of which puts me at odds with the right wing capitalists who make up the majority of the membership here, it seems. ;)  :P   I am the wrong ingredient in this magnificent cake! I have therefore today asked Chris to remove me from the Moderators team with immediate effect.


No hard feelings. I am proud of what we have done together here. If the forum demographic had grown more towards the hard core stacker/tin foil hat wearing prepper etc etc perhaps things would be different now. I am happy to wear the label crazy, because I know that I - like Wonko the Sane - am standing well outside of the asylum! ;)


From now on I'll just sit at the back and be a nuisance.  :ph34r:  :P  ;)  :D


If you were unable to find a balance between your personal views and the impartiality required as a moderator, then this is ultimately the right decision for you, no matter how difficult.


The moderator's job is often a thankless task, yet I am sure everyone on the forum would join me expressing their appreciation for the time and effort you and the mod team have put into ensuring we have a clean, uncluttered and welcoming place to discuss things.


Sorry to see you leave the moderating team Sham, you were highly valued and I'd like to thank you for all of your efforts and time.

Stacker since 2013


I admit, i was bothered personally by what i perceived to be a holier than thou attitude on the election thread. I felt as if I was being told i was an idiot for having some of the opinions that i did. It wasn't so much what you said, rather the way that you said it.


I believe whole heartedly that anyone has the right to say what they want, and to believe what they want. When i feel that others are trying to force their opinion on me however, it enrages me.


A discussion needs two sides, one to listen and the other to try to see their point of view. If one person isnt willing to even attempt to see that point of view, then it can come across as preaching rather than discussing.


You have your beliefs Sham, and i do actually respect your right to have them, and would be willing to fight for that right, no matter how much i might personally object to them. As Voltaire said " I do not agree with what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to say it". To say it, not to try to force it on me though.


That being said, it does take a big man (or woman) to look at their situation, and decide there is a way forward that will be for the greater good, even if the greater good is a bunch of money hungry capitalist pigs! :)


So, good for you Sham, i do hope you are proud of what you have helped to accomplish here, as it is indeed something to be proud of. 


I look forward to us both discussing topics in the future.


I don't see why anyone's opinions on stacking vs collecting etc should have any bearing on their appropriateness as a moderator. 


If you're kind enough to lend a bit of time making sure the forum is spam free and a pleasant place, then great.


I don't think moderators should be forced to take neutral opinions for the sake of not disagreeing with members


I think people worry too much about us vs them, members vs premium members, members vs moderators; we're all just normal people having a chat,


Cheers for the time you've given Sham 

Help thread for members new to silver/gold stacking/collecting

The Money Printing Myth the Fed can't and don't money print - Deflation ahead, not inflation 


I wasn't here at the beginning and I suspect it's forum members like me who have contributed to your decision.

This is turning into a great forum and if it carries on the way that it has started then within the next 2 to 3 years it will be one of the most successful forums of it's type and to a large extent that's down to Chris and the efforts of mods such as yourself so thanks very much.


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