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hi all


I am very new to buying silver as an investment and was wondering if any one had any advice on what is best to buy eg:- coins or bars.

and which type of coins or bars are best.

I am not a collector only really interested in the silver content as an investment and do not have a large amount to invest straight away will really only be buying a small amount each month.

would appreciate any advice on this thanks in advance.


If your going for only silver content buy whatever's the cheapest. Are you uk based? Coz the uk based dealers are expensive. Your better off saving a little bit and ordering coins off silver to go it works out much cheaper overall.

Happy stacking


Hi welcome to the forum, When you say a little each month, How much is a little? If you are going to buy one or two ounces now and then like i do then i would advice Atkinson's.If you want silver content only, Maples are good as they are .9999 as apposed to .999. Don't worry about milk spots because you are after silver content only. Atkinson do a lucky dip where they give you what they have surplus and this is cheaper.Happy stacking.  


for small quantity buys, forum members can usually

give you a competitive deal including delivery for

new coins. for a true stacker, second hand worn

silver bought locally can be the cheapest. higher

content silver is usually preferable.




thanks for the advice will definitely check out atkinsons.yeah i am based in the uk so have to pay the VAT and am planning to buy probably 2 - 3 oz a month so when i looked at the mark up for gold in the tiny amounts didnt seem to make a great deal of difference plus I worry these 1g bars could be easily misplaced.


Hi there,welcome to the forum

As mentioned,"Silver To Go" in Germany are

a very good bet.

There are a few forum members including myself who

 purchase from them and their prices and turnaround time are good. :)


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