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Thought I would share - I have no idea who the seller is so I don't vouch for them, but the coin looks gorgeous!!






Well, not my idea of a coin. Soft erotica? Na!

Not enough detail on the head and those stars look like they were done by a child.

Nice figure though :)

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon



Well, not my idea of a coin. Soft erotica? Na!

Not enough detail on the head and those stars look like they were done by a child.

Nice figure though :)


Soft erotica? Seriously? PMSL!!

This is Virgo, the virgin! lol




Soft erotica? Seriously? PMSL!!

This is Virgo, the virgin! lol



You can laugh or PY all you want, a representation of an astromonical constellation/astrological symbol/concept does not need a semi-naked girl.

I know loads of virgins and they don't go about with one breast exposed.

That image is meant to titillate and is as blatant as page 3. This is just marketting.


Don't get me wrong, I'm in no sense a prude! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


You can laugh or PY all you want, a representation of an astromonical constellation/astrological symbol/concept does not need a semi-naked girl.

I know loads of virgins and they don't go about with one breast exposed.

That image is meant to titillate and is as blatant as page 3. This is just marketting.


Don't get me wrong, I'm in no sense a prude! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh dear, I didn't even notice the exposed breast until I read this, went back for a look and still didn't see it, put glasses on and there it was, just. Not for me either.


Oh dear, I didn't even notice the exposed breast until I read this, went back for a look and still didn't see it, put glasses on and there it was, just. Not for me either.

whoops, i saw it straight away! Either my glasses are rather good or it says something about my character, better keep quiet I think. :ph34r:

Profile picture with thanks to Carl Vernon


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