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broadening the hobby slightly


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id like to broaden my hobby  verging into coin collecting but based on precious metals, i know it sounds wierd but i dont think i could get excited about rare coins around 10mm in diamiter , i like the look of a bigger 25mm-40mm coin and recently came across a you tube video for the german 5 mark coins  i think its salivate metal  but cant be sure , in short im excited that a coin can be .500  .900 and have a numesmatic value as well  with some really low mintages 

what would be the best advice you could give me ?

should i read up in reference books, is it best to get to a coin fair to see if there is much silver and gold or would they be only coins of base metal ?

can you become a collector of silver and gold but not be a collector   ,   or  do collectors collect everything regardless of metal and diamiter 

i have to be a bit drawn to stuff around 40mm   i guess thats the stacker element 

so could i ask  you guys  do you collect silver coins pre war as well as generic and perth 

i wasnt really meaning uk pre 1947  i was really meaning  are you collecting all euro countries .900 and .500 


im aware of the numista site  , but i suppose theres a list of do s and donts  to avoid costly mistakes

i suppose there must be a sort of price guide /bible for coin values 


In my numismatic days, I had a full date run / mint mark run on the 5 reichsmark 0.900 coins.

Was a lovely collection, but the price skyrocketed and I sold up for a great profit.

I used the cash from that to get started in bullion.

Stacker since 2013


Regarding a price bible Craig you can always get a clue from ebay,  regardless of all it's faults it does give you an idea of what people are prepared to pay for something, as long as you root out the shady looking auctions that is. The problem with numismatic worth is that essentially the value is in somebody's head, and when times get hard that value can plummet, as I have found out in the past to my own cost. Don't let me put you off though, collecting is an interesting hobby, but I would never pay a large numismatic mark up for a coin again. 


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