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Gold panning


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Has anyone ever given gold panning a go?

We had some mini gold rushes in the Highlands and some of the best places to go panning are near me.

Not sure if I could be fussed but since its close it might be fun if you think of it like fishing...


I'd love to have a go, but alas I don't have the patience.

I'd get bored of panning and start building a trommel out of an old washing machine [emoji1]

Stacker since 2013


A little portable trommel/sluice that you could hike with would be cool. A little hydro generator for power... Or a hank crank.


Helmsdale is about 27 miles from my place and is meant to be the best place in scotland. Might make a fun and cheap camping holiday and I can always drive home for a shower and real food. Not sure what the girlfriend would think.


I`v done it as a kid on a visit to Canada, didn`t get anything gold but Did come across a large (about 1 Kg) of Amethyst and an deer antler.

I have Mercury and Cyanide now in the lab, I`d love to go back there armed with that stuff and see what I could get now! :D


at the moment all my gold activities are strictly "Urban" mining from E-waste and broken jewellery bits, but I have 6.2g of 24ct as a result, so that`s not too bad :)


Made my mind up that i'm gonna give this a go. I live near some of the best known areas in scotland but I also remember a place I gorge walked, which was off the beaten track and I kept seeing golden flakes in the river and at the end where it runs out to the sea, there is a deep pool full of silt and black sand thats been trapped there. Its a beautiful walk and place anyway so worst case scenario is I have a nice day out.


There are reportedly places near me where you can pan - they say do it early in the year as the heavy winter rains stir everything up in the rivers.


I am going to find out more and may well give it a go this spring. I'll report back if I do along with any finds! :)


Here is an interesting thought.  One man, in the UK, sluicing and panning without external power is doing OK to get a gram, on average for a days work.  If the average wage in the UK is £26500, gold would have to be about £120 a gram  (or £3700 an Oz) to equal this.


Of course gold panning is seasonal,  UK rivers aren't as rich as some other countries and people will have 4 gram days and no gold day and my sums are off the top of my head but £3700 an Ounce is my prediction for the future.


Still gonna have a shot but I think buying gold, rather than panning, is the way to go ;) Unless you get really lucky and find a few massive nuggets.


"Having a shot" is probably how the forty-niners got started Simon, then the gold fever would kick in,  "I'll just pan for another hour, day , week....., I know I'll find something", never to be seen in mainstream society again! 

 Out of interest is gold found by panning taxable income? 


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