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Today has seen me reaching a milestone.....


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I have been stacking since April last year, and for 15 minutes this afternoon, for the very first time in my stacking career, thanks to the increase in spot prices, my gold stack (4.89 oz) actually showed a very small profit of a few pounds.





Well done mate...I'm on 7oz of gold and I only need spot to go up another £5-£10 and il be in the same boat as you!


Yes I am in the same situation at current gold price of £804.53, I am up currently by £1347.90.


That is just on current gold price some of my gold coins are worth considerably more.


Well happy.


I'd be in credit myself if not for my very first purchase in September of 2013, a one oz bar for £862 ouch. Ever since then spots never been so high. Gutted!!! I'm think we're still in for some for some new lows yet though before it goes to the moon so I'll be lowering my averages then hopefully.


Congratulations to you all, well done

Im really jealous of you lot

  i missed the gold boat and the silver raft,

im just playing catch up now and im a long way for you all :mellow:


I'm under spot with my gold (a whole 1/5oz) but I have a way to go on silver yet, I need spot price to double [emoji1]

Stacker since 2013


You bunch of bean counters you lot! I haven't got a clue about how much I've spent on my stack. Not the foggiest.

I'm guessing though that I am nowhere near being in profit.


Funny how we all look at thus differently! Like Cointreau I don't have a spreadsheet wired up to signal profit or loss......in fact I don't have a spreadsheet! Mmmmm maybe I should. But the pain of looking at stock accounts and their daily fluctuations over the past few years is actually one of the things that attracted me to PMs - the long term nature of it, and the pleasure of the physical coins/bars. Having said that I am more aware of what I paid for my stuff than what it is all worth now. Does that make me more of a collector than a stacker, or is it just due to my Scottish roots?! All in all it only really matters when (if ever) you need to sell - and hopefully that is somewhere 10-20 years from now; or if the spot price doubles over the buying price. Ahhhh - but I need a spreadsheet for that, and I am too lazy for that!!


@ Linderman, I can email you a copy of my spreadsheet over for you to use as a template if you like :)

Hi mate could you send me a copy please? Cheers!


Hi mate could you send me a copy please? Cheers!


No probs, working away today but will be back home tomorrow.


If anyone wants a copy drop me a pm with your email addresses


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