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Rule 589


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I was doing my usual PM research on a coffee break at work and found something interesting.

check out Rule 589 in document S-7258!


it was only released a few days ago and comes into effect Dec 21`st this year, if nothing else it`ll open a few eyes of those that have a doubt the market is manipulated at all.


I really don`t know what this`ll mean in real terms for any of us, so please discuss! :)


here`s a few links:






I`m sure there will be plenty more links to find when this news really gets out.





I was reading about this on the kitco forum. There are people on there with more in depth knowledge of the markets than me, and even they couldn't agree on what it meant for us mere mortals. Other than it'll probably mean it's still business as usual and we are only here for the ride.... :)


these guys seem to think it`s a fore runner to a SHTF scenario, I guess they could be as right as anyone?



eitherway, I`ll bet it`s nothing Good, Honest or decent!


As I understand it, if the price moves too quickly they will shut down all trading automatically


This will be explained as 'keeping a lid on volatility', but essentially it's so that the market can be can taken advantage of by large volume traders at the expense of everyone else involved.


Free markets and price discovery, yay!


Ya gotta luv the SHTF'ers.


Yeah the dollars going to collapse, there will be anarchy everywhere, you'll need a silver coin to buy some toilet roll and some ammo etc etc etc


Except, guess what, in Russia the Rouble HAS collapsed, and what has happened to the man on the street.................errrrrr nothing. Looking at TV reports yesterday, they are still going about their every day business, buying for Xmas etc. In fact the most negative thing I heard from Moscow was one stall holder moaning that she wouldn't be able to take her holiday in Thailand now because it's too expensive because of the low rouble. Ooooh some anarchy there.....LOL


Unless we are going to be hit by a comet, attacked by aliens, a supervolcano erupting, or the zombie apocalypse happening, there will be no collapse of society. Money is now just numbers on a computer, and it will continue to be numbers on a computer. ................life will continue as normal, people will get up every morning and go to work as normal, they will have families as normal, and will moan and worry about everything under the sun as normal......


The Russian rouble becomes worthless, forcing them to sell their gold. America buys it up without risk of it going through the roof and getting themselves some breathing space before lifting restrictions, then gold skyrockets in value.

If this happened them i'm related to Nostradamus somewhere along the line or i could be labelled as another conspiracy theorist. It all depends on interpretation. :o


I'd be surprised if they sold an ounce.

Well, Gordon Brown sold tons of the stuff 'cos we needed the money :wacko:


Unless we are going to be hit by a comet, attacked by aliens, a supervolcano erupting, or the zombie apocalypse happening, there will be no collapse of society. 


This happens at around 7pm every day as the zombies settle in for Emmerdale/Corrie/Eastenders/Celebrity-something-or-other/X Factor on Ice etc. 


And yeah, I went into Waitrose and couldn't buy any toilet paper or ammo with my collection of 1930 pre-decimal silver coins.


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