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layered stuff


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ok i know little about it apart from stay away as its all garbage , but honestly what is going on with the layered stuff

every search you put in on e bay this stuff is all over like a rash , but whats wierd is the fact , that some items have loads of bids

sureley these arent members likeus are they bidding ?  

theres a tin of 6 layered krugerands up to about £18 with about 7 bids on it , 

other plated coins with 5,6,7, bids on  the descriptions clearly say plated , so what im really asking is this

is the fractional plating thats on the coins worth anything?

some state 22ct plated some say 24 ct plated , is that a true gold process or a copy of gold and theyre misleading the buyers, 


as i say i havent bought anything and stick to sollid bullion , but theres an awfull lot of buyers of it , 


the influx of stuff seems to be german stuff, but people offer loads of bids for the gold clad bank notes in sets of 5 

theres a american dollar on there at the minute dated 1933 or so ... how can that be  they didnt clad stuff back then did they? 

as i say i dont understand it i just wondered if there was such a bargain as plated junk where some gold content was worth the few pounds they go for 



Complete waste of money.


The gold is measured in Microns thickness.


Bids by the uneducated or scamners hoping to sell them on as genuine items.


Ever since they changed it, so that all bidders identities are kept secret from other bidders, you never know if you are bidding against the sellers mate, or one of his alternative accounts.

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.


If no people big on crap gold plated rip off items like those above there would be no market for it


eBay unfortunately only ever care about their bottom line profits, so why actively do anything to police it


eBay is doing a very good job by itself of creating its own demise & self destruction in the coming 20 years.  

Doing each and every thing to p**s sellers off a little bit more each and every year that passes. Also further protecting the all so perfect buyer who never ever do anything wrong.


Just a tiny microcosm reflection of this is this forum, look at the number of trades/sale made in well under a year, own feedback system, networks being formed and trust being built a little at a time.


Just imagine if just a few of the big ebay bullion players came over here removes the likes of dorestcoinco, londoncoincompany, triumphcoins, darlingtoncoins, paulmenzies from their search results how many bullion results would come back ?


many thanks for replies from everyone , mods could you please lock this or delete ,  these answers are spot on and i dont think we need to go any further 

again thanks for replies  


ok danny  youre probably right , just didnt want to drag a subject on   and deter people from the real stuff    regards


People who know nothing about it see shit they like and buy it.

But yo know what? It's shit. Worth nothing. A few microns think covering of gold on a base metal bar or coin.

Sellers rely on the fact that there are people who know nothing about PMs but who want to buy that loverly whatever it is that represents whatever it is they are fond of. Mostly it is a scam. Selling stuff worth bugger all to people with bugger all brains.

But isn't that just western consumerism in a nut shell? :rolleyes:


you put in a search for gold coins and you end up with a load of layered coins and bars.

So. it seems you have to be specific about what you're looking for in order to filter out all the layered crap.


you put in a search for gold coins and you end up with a load of layered coins and bars.

So. it seems you have to be specific about what you're looking for in order to filter out all the layered crap.


I think if you do an advanced search you can exclude terms like "layered"


I am amazed that trading standards or big government bods haven't stopped this practice of selling counterfeit / fakes / replicas or however you want to describe the item. A plated or layered coin or bar is an exact replica, made to look the real part and just because the seller states it is "layered" should not suffice. As long as there is nothing added to clearly show the item is not genuine then this should be illegal.

Maybe someone can report this sham to the BBC Fake Britain or one of the consumer programmes.


try something like this: gold bar -layered -clad -plated


each -word will exclude a listing with that word in it, also it sometimes help to put a search (or part search) in quotes if you want Exactly that wording in a listing.


eBay doesnt use all the boolean operators, but those above may help a little bit :)


Some weeks ago I was looking for layered/fakes/replicas of krugerrands, and I'm not a scammer, I just thought that to hide a dozen on them could be a good security measure, a kind of bait to prevent thieves keep looking for after they found it. A safebox, a dozen of replicas and a few thousands euros/pounds and your treasure chest would be safe.

Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves.


I am surprised that the ebay scammers haven't tried to buy genuine bars off unsuspecting sellers,then switch them for the fake layered bars then make up a cock and bull story to get their money back,then they would send the fake bar back to the seller and keep the genuine bar.

This is why I prefer to buy scrap silver.


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