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buying your first PM,your journey explain how you felt


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when you thought about getting into PM's what was your journey like

what made you decide to go for PM's

what did you buy

what were your thoughts before taking the plunge

what was your feeling when it arrived

what was your feeling when you opened your package and finally seen your purchase

where you surprised,a bit disheartened


as you can tell im a tadd excited waiting to take the plunge


what made you decide to go for PM's - to save money that I would otherwise have spent on beer and car bits.

what did you buy - can't actually remember, but I think it was an old britannia.

what were your thoughts before taking the plunge - wow, £28 per ounce is expensive!!!

what was your feeling when it arrived - bigger & heavier than expected, lovely feel in the hand (play with your first coin)

where you surprised,a bit disheartened - yes to the former, no to the latter.

Stacker since 2013


I'm locking this thread as it is similar to existing threads pointed out by cointreau

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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Also posted in the wrong section. Please only use the trade forum to imitate a trade thread. I.e A wanted, or for sale/swap thread.

My posts are my personal opinions, they do not constitute advice or financial advice.

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