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paypal fee


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Anyone know way i  should be paying extra £3.16 on sending a friend money of £198.50, paypal saying ill pay £201.66. It states   No fee if you use your PayPal balance, bank account or debit card to send money to friends and family within the UK.


These big companies are taking the f..k..g P..s.


Cheers silver roller



Anyone know way i  should be paying extra £3.16 on sending a friend money of £198.50, paypal saying ill pay £201.66. It states   No fee if you use your PayPal balance, bank account or debit card to send money to friends and family within the UK.


These big companies are taking the f..k..g P..s.


Cheers silver roller


I know what it is........Your balance is in the red by £3.16    :P


I had to pay 5 pence on top of a ten pound PayPal gift recently. Assumed they had started charging for the privilege?

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.


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