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Guess the physical floor


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Shall we have a guess at what the absolute floor for a 1oz coin will be no matter where the spot price goes. Even if we drop to £7/6/5 per oz dealers may not be able to sell coins below a certain price due to all the costs incurred.

We can use the STG maple price.

I think we won't be able to buy a maple at STG for less than

.....erm..... £10.50


does that really matter as discussed before , premiums will go up to recoup losses  

i just checked atkinsons sunshine mint 1 o\z  spot dropped 27p or so  their price is virtually unchanged


Maybe a mod can change the title to

'Guess the Physical Floor'


Done HH

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.



I would be surprised if it got anywhere below £11.

Add VAT for UK sites of course.

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.


I'll take a stab at £9.46 excluding delivery.

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.



Me mmmmmmmm I will say lower at £9.27.

I do wonder what spot price would need to be, for us to see physical at £9.27

Stacker since 2013


If we assume that dealers will aim for a 50% premium as we have seen in the past on low prices them unless silver falls through the floor to below £7 then I can't see coins getting much cheaper than £10 - £10.50


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