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whats your take on this


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we often hear about eft paper trading / manipulation , quantative easing programme , since the 2008 credit crunch , and the goverments have been printing money , saying how wonderfull the job market is, etc etc

some say the manipulation is an end game, some say interest rates will have to rise , 


but the goverments and the paper traders are backed into a corner  , if they raise interest rates and stop the manipulation then the game is sureley up


so what if , the current  situation lasts for ever 


6 years in  and no change no big bang  no stock market crash , they print and print and nothing seems to happen 

so i ask again  

what if this is how the economy is forever  /  keep interest rates at 0.5 to feed the bankers  / keep silver and gold low/


quite scary really   ..

if there was an end game why isnt it up  

and another thing   i keep hearing that the paper traders dont have gold and silver to back up the deals , but the buyers/sellers never need the physical , all there doing is betting against the price like a stock market short/long

why is there this theory that all eft trading needs physical behind it 

if i was betting on long or short why do i need physical metal , its a bet like a horse racing bet 


I do believe this is the new norm, a deflationary environment that's controlled by printing money, the manipulators have been backed into a corner through short sighted and greedy policies, one day it will fall apart as there is no way out but it could be a while yet.

We should be taking advantage of it.


They won't stop till outside events force them too.


EU going belly up?


Keep on stacking :)

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.


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