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Perths mintages explained


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This is a tidied up version of a previous forum reply, Dan has suggested it may help others.. All info is accurate to the best of my knowledge!


Kookaburra Mintages.


1 oz Kooks have a limit of 500,000 going forward and past years are now declared and will not now be reminted.


Just some history on Kook reminting...People incorrectly assume that since Perth could and did in the past remint, (potantially up to the 300,000 maximum which was in their stated rules at the time,) then when they did go back and actually reminted,(generally at the request of some German dealers), they reminted to the maximum limit, they however did not do this, they did remint a few thousand from various years, this caused such an outcry from the collecting public who had paid premiums for rarer years,that after much initial arguing that they were only within the rules, decided not to remint anymore, I guess that although it was in the stated rules, they recognised that it was not morally right. (score one for the little man!)



This is a copy of the note released from 2012...


Ron Currie, the official voice of the Australian Perth Mint said,


I announced details of our new Mintage Policy in November. There has been an update to the information I provided then, which I’d like to inform you about now.

Previously I said that the Mint reserved the right to manufacture each 1oz release from the Australian Kookaburra silver bullion coin series up to its individual maximum mintage.

What others have called a “re-striking”, however, no longer applies.

Having listened to a great deal of customer feedback, the policy has been amended so that we will no longer be making past 1oz Kookaburras that undersold their maximum mintage.

As a result, we have closed production and declared final mintages for all 1oz Kookaburras and other unlimited denominations released between 1990 and 2012.

The 1Kg and 10 oz Kooks are unlimited for their year of issue only and will not be reminted.....




As stated above all other sizes of Kooks are also declared now and will not be reminted. (In the past they also made a 2oz coin, up until 2009)


Going forward the 10 Oz and 1KG are unlimited for the year of issue and will not be reminted in the future


The Kook 1oz mintages were 300,000 up to and including 2010, from 2011 onwards this was increased to 500,000, at one stage the mint considered upping this again to a million but then decided not too.





Koala Mintages

All sizes of Koalas have unlimited mintages just for the year of issue and will not be reminted.



Lunar Mintages

Lunars have unlimited mintages on the 1/2, 2, 5 and 10 oz coins for the year of issue, the same as the Koalas.




The plain (non privvy) 1oz Lunar has a limit of 300,000 (morally wrongly circumnavigated by the "privvy" 1 oz coins, in my opinion) and can be reminted to this 300,000 limit at anytime until the end of the series, (they did this with the Mouse, which has since sold out, all other years sold their allotted 300,000 in the year of issue, now that the series is popular they will probably sell out the rest of the forthcoming years, however the Goat, Monkey, Rooster,Dog and Pig are not quiet as popular as the already issued coins with the Chinese, so maybe this rule will again come in to play.)


The 1kg can be reminted at anytime, any year, until the end of the series... Be very wary of paying a premium on the Mouse or indeed any past years because of this!






A great spreadsheet of the actual numbers of all the bullion coins sold can be found at:






Other Perth coins


Now this is an area that if you go into the Numismatic side of Perths coins, you really have to read their policy..You are on your own here!!.. This is not an area I am interested in, however be mindful of the issue with "packaging" and mintages, the situation is a lot clearer than in the past, however in my opinion still has room for simplification.





The mintages for Numismatic coins can be found.





Hope this helps clear up any misunderstandings of which was admittedly, a confusing situation.






Pleasure Dan


Just added...


"The Kook 1oz mintages were 300,000 up to and including 2010, from 2011 onwards this was increased to 500,000, at one stage the mint considered upping this again to a million but then decided not too."





thanks for the info dave :) a few new points learned for your super detailed post. much appreciated


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