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Coin capsules or coin tubes which is best?


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Many people store coins in aright capsules. This is my preference.


If it is just bullion - and I am guessing you have some RCM coins - then in a tube or just lose is fine, they are just silver bullion after all. Or capsules or 2 by 2's (The card coin holders with circular cellophane windows) can be used too.


You can't avoid milk spots! They will appear over time if they are going to. They are said to be caused by the cleaning process at the mint leaving small traces of contamination on the surface of the coin. After a year or two if the coin is going to milk spot, it will milk spot. I had a whole tube of maples in an airtight tube direct from the mint, unopened. When I sold them on the dealer opened the tube to inspect them and some hard started to spot, but others had not. You pay your money and take your chance with them. But for bullion it really does not make a lot of difference, it is still silver!


Many people have ways of cleaning milk spots. I have never bothered. From a jewellers cloth to silver cleaning liquids,whatever you do it will probably damage the surface of the coin. And it would not increase the value to clean it any way. But then with bullion it would not diminish the value either, so it is personal choice I suppose.

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Thanks for the advice

I was just looking at my Somalian elephants,horse privy had some chips on the surface, I can't see why because i have never taken them out the capsule and they were perfect before, was hoping you would have some idea as to why that is

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Not sure what you mean by ships on the surface?


Those dark marks are possibly where the coin (Which I presume has a small amount of movement in the capsule) is rubbing against the inside of the capsule. Not a chip, just a mark. I have some like this and I don't like it. I don't know what the solution is other than to use 2 by 2's. I know some people like them, but I don't think they offer a great deal of protection unless you then put them into additional holders, like an album for example.


If the coin is not free to move in the capsule this should not happen.


I think the Somalian Elephant is classed as bullion, isn't it? May just be the way it was handled at the mint? I have 5 and they are all milk spotted, never paid much attention to the surface quality. They are just lumps of silver......


Others will probably disagree with me though. ;)

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"Coin capsules or coin tubes which is best?"


In my opinion, neither. I use cardboard self adhesive coin holders.




For the record, not one of the coins I have placed in these holders have developed any milk spots after sealing them in the holder.  :D



I do like these as a solution. My Sovereigns all came in these! Looked great.


As for milk spots - your coins are only a few months old HT. Sometimes it can be over a year or even longer before they develop. Jury is still out on if that works or not I reckon.

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