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Most Exciting Upcoming Release?


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OK, a lot of new releases will be on the market soon. What is your most anticipated, can't wait, must have release for the next few months?


For me it is the new China Pandas.


They will be released in decimal sizes - although I have yet to find out exactly what thy will be. Possibly 10/25/50/100 grams. I would hope they do a 30 gram coin as that is as close to 1 troy ounce as you can get if you are sticking to round numbers, but not read anything suggesting they will yet.

Also - they won't have their size printed on them! I find this extraordinary for a PM coin! But I am sure they have their reasons.


There is no new release coming out which I am more excited about!


What about you?

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I love the new Koala Design in fact I think it is way better then the lunar goat, and I cannot wait for the Chinese Panda Design to be released. 

40 percent of my stack consists of Chinese Panda's and I am nearly reaching my goal of 20 percent of a monster box worth of 2014 Chinese Panda's. 

Best coin in my opinion to be stacking if you live in EU, the premium on the coins hold well in a stagnant silver market 

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I love the new Koala Design in fact I think it is way better then the lunar goat, and I cannot wait for the Chinese Panda Design to be released. 

40 percent of my stack consists of Chinese Panda's and I am nearly reaching my goal of 20 percent of a monster box worth of 2014 Chinese Panda's. 

Best coin in my opinion to be stacking if you live in EU, the premium on the coins hold well in a stagnant silver market 


I'm always wary of the pandas, due to the huge number of forgeries. But I will be getting a dozen of each year as they come out, probably from STG, I wonder how the changes in sizes will affect their sales. With the rest of the world using oz's, I wonder if people will be interested in 25g or 50g coins as much


It'll be interesting to see what they decide on. Maybe it will be a 30g coin, but I can bet your bottom silver dollar the premiums will be the same as if it was a 31.1g coin, you just be getting less silver for your cash 

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Best coin in my opinion to be stacking if you live in EU, the premium on the coins hold well in a stagnant silver market 



A lot of truth in this. All the Pandas do well. I worry about the new one being an odd weight, and not having that weight shown on the coin. Will this reduce it's desirability? I don't know.


I don't think the new Koala is actually that ugly. None of the will win prices in a beauty contest lol, but next the the new PM Goat??? I think it wins hands down.

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The WHOLE middle east, Asia and some parts of Africa all use GRAMS. 

Pakistan and India have there own Weight unit, it is called a tola, but the conversion to grams is common knowledge.

In fact I prefer silver ot be nominated in grams rather then Oz.  


Yes this is true. In Hong Kong they used to use a unit of weight called the Catty.


There are a lot of old traditional weight and measure, this is a topic I actually find rather interesting. (OK, I know anorak right! lol)


But I am a stickler for the old troy ounce. The troy weight system dates back to Roman times, did you know? 1 Troy ounce is 1/12 of a troy pound. It is these days used pretty much exclusively for precious metals.


Sorry - I seem to be derailing my own thread! lol My Bad.


Please return to your most anticipated upcoming silver coin release. No one has mentioned the 2015 Kook, how does that compare?

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I already have the kook so I didn't consider it as 'upcoming'. I love the design, though I think the choice of having the '1990-2015' is unusual, as this is it's 26th year of production. They should have done that last year for the quarter century.


Doh! yes, of course it is. I like the new coin too. But I am not collecting Kooks particularly. I have a few.

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Yes this is true. In Hong Kong they used to use a unit of weight called the Catty.


There are a lot of old traditional weight and measure, this is a topic I actually find rather interesting. (OK, I know anorak right! lol)


But I am a stickler for the old troy ounce. The troy weight system dates back to Roman times, did you know? 1 Troy ounce is 1/12 of a troy pound. It is these days used pretty much exclusively for precious metals.


Sorry - I seem to be derailing my own thread! lol My Bad.


Please return to your most anticipated upcoming silver coin release. No one has mentioned the 2015 Kook, how does that compare?

We need to make this another thread, so many people fail to realize that outside EU and America, each country has it's own weight unit that is specific to there culture... It is worth doing research on the different units as when it comes to selling, you can sell your silver to a variety of people from different backgrounds.

Another thing about the Chinese Panda the demand is not only in China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other parts of Asia recognize the Panda coin, and dealers do pay more for panda's then the maples and eagles. Try doing that in England, you are only going to get spot across the broad, it does not matter if its a panda or maple, you will get the same price.

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I always thought it was only USA and UK (not the rest of EU) using ounces, stones, miles etc. We in Slovakia use metric system (grams, meters, etc.) and I am sure our neighbours do too


As to the coins, I am looking forward to see Kook and Koala in hand, which could be different than in picture.


I am looking forward to Panda design ( I will have few even with new weight)  and I am very curious about new Rwanda design, which nobody is mentioning :)

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We in Slovakia use metric system (grams, meters, etc.) and I am sure our neighbours do too


 That is true, but when it comes to silver coins, even Slovakia is producing silver coins containing exactly 1 oz of silver.


Slovakia issues 20 Euro commemorative coins which are sterling silver weighing 33.63g which contains 1oz of pure silver. 

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