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People buying more gold than silver...


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I am not too surprised really, people are slowly waking up to what many of us already believe.


Additionally, gold can be bought or sold for a few percent either side of spot and is an excellent wealth preserver.

Thanks to VAT on silver, you have to believe in the resurgence of silver prices if you hope to recover all or more than your purchase price.

Currently stacking 1/4 oz (22ct) and Sovs.

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That is only a snapshot of one country regarding bullion coins.US Gold ETPs similar to our ETFs except ETPs are back by metal not paper.


The silver slump hasn’t deterred buyers of ETPs backed by the metal. Holdings that expanded 2.4 percent last year even as precious-metals prices plunged are up 2.7 percent in 2014 and this week reached the highest since October, the month when holdings reached a record 20,121.5 tons, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Gold-fund assets are down 3.2 percent this year, after a 33 percent drop in 2013.


“Unlike gold, buyers of silver ETFs are not the momentum players,” said Peter Jankovskis, who helps oversee $3.1 billion as co-chief investment officer of Lisle, Illinois-based OakBrook Investments LLC. “You will see people holding silver for a much longer period of time compared with gold. Last year, the ETF investors did not flee like you saw in gold ETFs.”


Source Blomberg

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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US mint gold  & silver  eagles sales have more than doubled from August 2014 during the latest paper smackdown.


August 1oz gold   eagles        21,000            September  50,500


August 1oz silver eagles   2,007,500             September 4,140,000

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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US mint gold  & silver  eagles sales have more than doubled from August 2014 during the latest paper smackdown.


August 1oz gold   eagles        21,000            September  50,500


August 1oz silver eagles   2,007,500             September 4,140,000



That's great news, I've been hearing a lot of negative sentiment over the past month, we could be on for record sales this year.

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Wish I was! lol


I think that as time goes on and more people start to become uncertain about the future of the current system, or peed off with close to zero percent interest rates, PMs will pick up. That extra demand should increase prices. Hmmm, betcha it doesn't! ;)

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I would guess that there are fewer people dumping their physical investments with dealers at these price levels. I can understand anyone panic selling post 2011 but at this point surely the dumpers have already dumped and it's stocking up time.

I would have agreed with you, especially as the bullion dealers have been running out of stock in recent weeks, but all of a sudden there is plenty of gold coins back on the market. Someone somewhere has off loaded a lot of gold.


But then again if they had bought their gold only 10 years ago, even at these "low" levels, they would have seen their investment had tripled in price. It was about £250 an oz in 2004. So what we think of as a low could be seen as a massive profit opportunity for some 

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I was ust reading an interesting article on this:


US Mint Bullion Coin Sales Leap in September


Demand for United States Mint bullion coins soared in September as precious metals prices tumbled.


Turn that round and see if it makes any sense to you from an economics point of view. Remember what they taught us back in school - as demand increases so does the price? ORLY?


Prices tumbled as demand soared.


Any way back to the point.


Yes, Gold is becoming very popular as the price drops. I am becoming very suspicious of why they are letting us have all this cheap gold.

Will we see a return of the gold confiscations back in the 30's? Wouldn't that be the killer blow? Let us buy it all then take it from us?


Who knows? But it was an interesting read non the less.

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Yes, Gold is becoming very popular as the price drops. I am becoming very suspicious of why they are letting us have all this cheap gold.

Will we see a return of the gold confiscations back in the 30's? Wouldn't that be the killer blow? Let us buy it all then take it from us?


Who knows? But it was an interesting read non the less.


I was thinking about this the other day.


*******Warning conspiracy theory********


We all know something the banking system lacks in the western world is gold, silver and general resources, their debt based monetary system will one day come to an end, when that day comes they will need real assets. 

So the banking elites plan may be to devalue the mines until they're on their last legs, then throw them an offer they can't refuse, the offer will seem good when compared against the balance sheets of these mines, when the elite are the rightful owners of the mines then the metals will reset to their rightful price.  


Just a thought but I wouldn't put it past them to be thinking down these lines, if I was them I would be.        

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*******Warning conspiracy theory********



This made me LOL!!! :D


We all know something the banking system lacks in the western world is gold, silver and general resources, their debt based monetary system will one day come to an end, when that day comes they will need real assets. 

So the banking elites plan may be to devalue the mines until they're on their last legs, then throw them an offer they can't refuse, the offer will seem good when compared against the balance sheets of these mines, when the elite are the rightful owners of the mines then the metals will reset to their rightful price.  


Just a thought but I wouldn't put it past them to be thinking down these lines, if I was them I would be.        


This is a very good theory. I can't see it working, Too many mines in too many places run by companies which also mine many other materials. They are more likely to mothball some of their assets until mining becomes profitable again.


This is a bit like a feed back loop though. Lets say mines become unprofitable and do mothball. The supply would dwindle, and as prices fall demand increases as people want to take advantage of the investment opportunity. Dwindling supply with heightened demand has to eventually increase prices, no manipulation in the world can hold that at bay for very long. So I don't see mines closing or changing hands cheap in the long run. At some point market forces have to become stronger than manipulation.

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Maybe it's folks that are mid-term stackers that have 100 -200 - 300oz of Silver and are looking at the space in the safe and thinking.


I need to trade up some of this so selling off Silver to the new kids on the stacking block and buying Gold

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Possibly Stack em, but sales of 1oz silver eagles are running at record pace.


In the 1st 8 days of October the US mint has sold a record 2,250,000 ozs of silver so all these smack downs are doing is encouraging people to buy physical at bargain prices.


To date  re the US people are actually buying more silver  than gold by a long way. the current ratio to date is 85:1


2014 Silver Eagle Sales = 34.5 million

2014 Gold Eagle Sales = 404,000 oz

2014 Silver-Gold Eagle Ratio = 85/1

The problem with common sense is, its not that common.


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Pity an overall picture / map state by state record of the number of Eagles being sold in each state is not available.


If it were then we could see how the individual states reacted to the rumours of more QE.


I know that the U.S. is a huge silver market but gold is starting to shift in volume now. With a untrustworthy government there (some would say) Gold is leaving the states being recalled by foreign governments and being leased / sold. With silver being cheaper, the American


markets will show a bigger % of sales than Gold by weight.


Overall i think that smaller quanitities of Gold is being purchased by more people hence, 'people buying more gold'.


As more and more middle class people see the effects of QE and mismanagement of funds i could see more people looking to preserve their wealth in Gold.

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